Track By Tracks: Spider Mother Earth - Rescue Your Soul (2023)

1. Empty Promises:

Empty Promises, is a song that intends to reflect in a general and collateral way, the behavior of falsehood and the existence of the social mask, the lack of words, and the fulfillment of the same by the lack of action. For example, the political class represents well what I describe.

The heavy instrumental is a form of expression of my revolt with this type of topic, of which I have already been a victim of false and empty promises.

2. Freedom Is The Way: 

Freedom is the Way, is a song that reflects what I consider to be the best path to take.

Nothing better than living in freedom, in a creative, authentic, and genuine way, aligned with our essence. Each of us is unique and singular.

The instrumental is a mystique of different emotions converging throughout the song.

3. Rescue Your Soul:

Rescue Your Soul, the song that gave the album its face, because I liked how the song turned out.

The lyrics, combined with the instrumental, try to represent the various stages of life, with the natural ups and downs, which all end up being part of our awareness of spiritual evolution, with the rescue of our Soul. All lyrics on the album are intertwined in one way or another with this one.

4. My Angel:

My Angel, is a very personal song, which speaks of gratitude combined with my sublime feeling of love, with a double meaning for me: to my divine superior angel/Guardian angel and to the few people who truly touched me in my intimate/inside, with his altruistic way of being and living in life!

The instrumental is the breeze of the sprouting of these emotions.

5. Human Mind:

Human Mind, the human mind is a powerful tool. It has the power to lift us up or tear us down. Reality and illusion inhabit the creations of our minds.

Life is a game, the mind is a player. We must use it consciously, not project, not create false and illusory expectations.

The instrumental is an accomplice trying to give a more figurative form to the lyrics.

6. Am I Crazy:

Am I Crazy, the lyrics try to convey that everything is temporary, cycles end and new ones will emerge. It's a natural cycle, from each loss, something new will be born.

It is urgent to learn, believe, forgive, and forgive ourselves. We must assume command and protagonism of our lives.

Believing in the power of our choices and giving wings to our desires with the heart.

The instrumental has a melodious acoustic intro, which will transform into a heavy riff with constant setbacks until it reaches the chorus, where the question of the title of the song remains open, with the song ending in a different dynamic and feeling.

7. Right Or Wrong:

Right or wrong, making decisions is something constant in life and most of the time, the doubt between right and wrong arises, which can condition our decision.
Most human beings think too much and feel little or nothing genuine. Tends to be totally rational and forget about emotions.

The lyrics try to color the emotions of the choices, and that everything that is done with this premeditated and conscious intention is wrong.

The instrumental contains a bit of a progressive blues vibe with a fusion of hard rock and heavy metal, and the solo is done with a slide for that purpose.

8. Forgive Revenge:

Forgive Revenge, revenge is a corrosive feeling of self-destruction inherent in any human being who feels and practices it.

The history of humanity is full of revenge in the name of pseudo-justice.

The lyrics appeal to the balance of freeing ourselves, of learning to forgive in order to change our individual pattern, and consequently the global pattern of that corrosive feeling transversal to humanity. The awareness that there are superior laws of the universe and that they work in the law of cause/effect! The advice is to leave it in the hands of fate and give up revenge and forgive.

The instrumental is of a heavy nature, combining the mysticism of moments with different dynamics, containing some more obscure melody, which represents the human dark side and at the same time, the rest open the door of hope.

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