Interviews About Albums: Avdagata - The Faceless One (2023)

In this new interview, we sat down with the Swedish Black Metal/Death Metal band Avdagata to ask some questions about their new album "The Faceless One"

1. What can you say about this new release?

It has been a very educational and challenging journey mentally and musically. It feels amazing that the album finally is out!

I had the honor of writing music together with Allsvart, and he added guitar, bass, and keys and was the producer for the album. And Jaloma (Night Crowned, Dark Funeral), on drums, is one of the best drummers in extreme metal, incredibly technical, easy to work with, and dedicated!

Guest solo guitarists: Christopher Amott (Arch Enemy, Dark Tranquility), Dean Paul Arnold (Primalfrost, Vital Remains, Hate, Belphegor), Patrik Gardberg (45. Solution), and Bea Jarlgren on guest vocals!

Mix and mastered by David Mauritzon at SoundTornado!

And we signed with At Dawn Records, which has worked out great!

2. What is the meaning of the release name?

The Reaper, bringer of death.

3. Which one is the composer of the release?

I wrote riffs, melodies, and some ideas which I send to Allsvart, which he developed, re-arranged, and improved! Allsvart also wrote music, he had free hands, he is an extremely creative and skilled musician and also the producer of the album.

4. If you had to pick one song, which one would you pick?

Impossible, every song is unique and we managed to find a good balance on the songs. Like SHIMMERING BLACK, very atmospheric, emotional, melodic and with Bea Jarlgren's incredibly beautiful vocals on the chorus. PURIFYING FLAME, intense, brutal, melodic. NOXIFER, is brutal, full of adrenaline, and on top of that completely insane guitar solo by Christopher Amott. The album has everything, and we are extremely satisfied!

5. Is there a special message in this release? If there is what it is?

For me personally Yes, quite obvious when you look at the album cover. And especially when you read the lyrics. But as with everything else, it's up to the listener how to interpret it. Many have already understood how emotions and the seriousness in the lyrics.

6. Are there some lyrics that you'd love to share?

"Darkness breath through open wounds. Behind the curtain, within the temple of flesh. There lies the key! Crush the demiurge and its seven heavens. As above, so within, Shimmering Black!"

7. Which inspirations have been important for this album? Like musically or friends, family, someone you'd love to thank especially?

Life, moments in my life, my view on life. My lifestyle. Books etc. Musically, Dissection influenced, and inspired me when I was younger. Not that I want AVDAGATA to sound like Dissection, you certainly hear some similarities, but AVDAGATA has its own sound.

First of all, I want to thank my family and Henric Liljesand, without them I wouldn't be alive! And because they believed in me and supported me with AVDAGATA.

Everyone who appeared on this album and contributed to the album!
At Dawn Records for all the trust!

My closest ones, you know who you are!


Carlos BlackShadowsTattoo Family! Alex Kythrone! Danny the Destroyer! Dennis at Conjoined Clothing, Sektion 13.

Everyone who has supported me and still supports me.

8. Something to add?

Thank you for your interest in AVDAGATA and for this interview! I wish you all the best! / Sebb Drago

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