Interviews About Albums: REBELS UNDER RAIN - One King Forever (2023)

In this new interview, we sat down with the Italian Rock band REBELS UNDER RAIN to ask some questions about their new album "One King Forever"

1. What can you say about this new CD?

Our first CD is a collection of stories from our lifes with the most iconic songs that we have written as a band and as a family in recent years. As a tale through the colors of music that has infected our hearts, we tried to figure out who the Rebels Under Rain were. Precisely for this reason the songs of this first album are very heterogeneous and different from each other.

2. What is the meaning of the CD name?

When we decided to record this first album it should have been called differently: unfortunately, when we started recording the guitars, our friend Stefano nicknamed "il Re" (in English the king) passed away at the early age of 30. From that moment it was clear to everyone that the album had to be tribute to our king, hence the name "One King Forever".

3. Which one is the composer of the CD?

The main composers of this album are Stefano Cordì, John Cox (Giovanni Maffei) and Alexander Pilaar.

4. If you had to pick one song, which one would you pick?

The song that we find to be the coolest is our latest single Stupid, which with its super charged and catchy chorus immediately triggers the desire to sing, whether listening to it live or on CD. This track was recently released as a single and you can watch the video clip here

5. Is there a special message in this CD? If there is what it is?

The message of our first album is a message of hope, no matter how a bitch life can be, you should never give up. Our king taught us this by going up on stage with us a week after a major surgery showing his scars shirtless, he showed it to us by coming to the rehearsal room to play during the kemio and until the end, until his last breath.

6. Are there some lyrics that you'd love to share?

Well first of all you can see our lyric video "I don't want this life" on Youtube another song we wish to share the lyrics for is "Sugar Baby" a story about that sugar girl who like the most powerful drug bewitches you and you have no way to resist her because she is your favorite dose of sugar and all you need.


If you think that you are something
let me tell you well that's wrong
In the name of who is godless
Let me teach you rock’n roll
Now we tell a little story
Of the sexiest of the girls
She was dressed of rock and glory
She was dressed to kill you all

Sugar baby

I’m lonely and I’m begging for love
Hey ladies hey ladies!
We need drugs give us your honey hot
Come on babies
there’s no time time for rock and roll
Sugar baby
fuck my heart please take it all

Now it’s time to fucking party
And it’s time to make it raw
in the name of who is lonely
I won’t wait you anymore
Come on girls let’s kiss somebody
Come on boys let’s kiss some girls
Just take out your whole body
Cose it’s time to make some love

Sugar baby
I’m lonely and I’m begging for love
Hey ladies hey ladies!
We need drugs give us your honey hot
Come on babies
there's no time for rock'n roll
Sugar baby
fuck my heart please take it all

Sugar baby
I’m lonely and I’m begging for love
Hey ladies hey ladies!
We need drugs give us your honey hot
come on babies
there's no time time for rock'n roll
Sugar baby
fuck my heart please take it all
take it all
take it all
and take it all all all all all

7. Which inspirations have been important for this album? Like musically or friends, family, someone you'd love to thank especially?

On a writing level, the ones that have always inspired us is our everyday life as a band or as individuals instead on a musical level the influences are many but among the bands that have inspired us the most the most present are Avenged Sevenfold, and Three Days Grace.

Obviously, we want to thank all the fans who have always believed in us, our label Volcano Records who gave us the opportunity to bring our debut album to all of you.

Finally to Stefano Cordì, whose work and spirit led us to get out of our shells.

8. Something to add?

Finally, we just have to add that our current line-up is made up of John Cox (Giovanni Maffei) our great frontman, author, and singer, Alexander Pilaar our Viking now historic member and drummer of the Rebels, Portos (Alessandro Portoghese) our more than crazy guitarist, Max (Massimiliano Gioia) bassist and main producer of our album One King Forever and the Lolli Bozzi (Lorenzo Bozzi) our brother who carried the enormous weight of Stefano's legacy in this Album.

This Band is and will always be a fucking family!

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