Interviews: Fortunato

On this new occasion, we have had the opportunity to interview the Melodic Metal band, Fortunato from France. Check out the interview and follow the band on their FACEBOOK PAGE.

1. Where did you get the idea for the band name, you planned it or came out just like that? 

Alex: Well, it kinda came out like that since it happens to be our beloved leader’s last name

Sly: Only God knows, I didn't decide anything, I only joined that band far after the name was chosen (laughs)

2. Why did you want to play this genre? 

Alex: As musicians, we all looked up to virtuosos such as Yngwie Malmsteen, Steve Harris (AJOUTER NOMS). Markus (leader, lead singer, and Bass) spent all his life listening to that 80’s early 90’s hard rock that we all love, and it’s with a sweet nostalgia that we wanna keep the spirit living, creating music between the Neo-classical and the Hard FM with some times a glimpse of Glam. And well, playing classical Hard rock, we can keep wearing tight jeans and leather, that’s always a plus!

Sly: Well, it all depends on the meaning of « genre ». If you're talking about metal in general, I didn't decide anything, it was just evidence after I heard the number of the beast when I was a teen. But if you're talking about neo-classical metal, which is what we actually play with Fortunato, I could just say that it was the kind of music Markus wanted to play, and I try to give my own personality and sensibility to the songs.

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed? 

Alex: That is indeed a trick question! The band just celebrated its 10 years anniversary last year and so, no, we didn’t know each other back then. Markus has always been the core of the band and the lineup changed over the years. As for the actual lineup, Markus, Sly, and Seb have known each other for a quintet of glorious years, and the latest member, Alex, joined right after the Covid era, and before that, he shared another project with Sly and Seb.

Sly: Well, Seb, Alex and I used to play together in a metal rock band called Vae Viktis. Seb helped Markus get Fortunato to get back on track, then I joined them and finally Alex came. And I had already met Markus here and there on different shows. Like in the Sherman Brothers' song, you know, it's a small world after all. 

4. Each band member's favorite band? 

Alex: Oh!! Do you remember these super small iPod shuffles? Well, our music tastes are kinda like that lil’ thing, you never know what’s gonna hit you next! 

Sly: Iron Maiden was definitively the band that gave me the will to play music. But there are so many incredible bands in so many genres I love, from the Beatles to Slayer, from classical music to reggae...

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs? 

Alex: Most of our songs are about love. French people are known for being hopelessly romantic and we’re no different (not all very subtle poets that’s for sure but romantic nevertheless!). Our Inspiration comes from every form love can take; the destructive passion, the tragic loss, the bittersweet nostalgia of past stories, the bond we share with our families and friends…

Sly: For Fortunato, I only wrote three lyrics (one on « Insurrection » and two on « High Above »), and it's all about death and disease. But in my previous bands, my lyrics were about death, sex, alcohol, friendship, myths... Anything can be a good start if you know how to make it interesting.

6. Where was your last gig? 

Alex: Our Last gig was in the south of France, for a Bikers gathering. Not the best venue since we had to play outside, under a tent, at 5°C…Well, at least we managed to have a bit of fun and the journey all together, crammed in a 6-seater wagon was super enjoyable. But we’re really looking forward to the upcoming gig, for our 4 th album release party! We’re gonna play at home, in Lyon at the RocknEat. They have live music 4 times a week, go check them out whenever you’re in Lyon for a couple of days!

Sly: In Lyon, in what I consider as the place to be if you're a metalhead: the Rock n' Eat. Man! It was just fuckin' incredibly good. Whoever read this: if you love metal and are near Lyon, move your ass ASAP to that place!

7. Where would you like to act? 

Alex: We all looked up to the superbands and rockstars of the 70’s to 90’s era, playing in a full stadium is obviously out of reach for us, rookie Frenchies but being able to play a gig in the Hellfest would be already amazing. Even if it’s at 9AM on Sunday!

Sly: I hope someday we could play at Hellfest, Wacken Open Air, Sonisphere... that kind of stuff, even early in the first morning. But sincerely, just give me a scene in front of 250 crazy guys anywhere and I'm happy.

8. Whom would you like to feature with? 

Alex: Well, opening for Iron Maiden would be the dream! But we mostly love to share the stage with our friends of the local scene such as Wedingoth, Looking for Medusa, Amon Sethis, Spirit War, etc. It’s always a lot of funs and the aftershow is often as epic as the concert itself.

Sly: Any band that can give us the opportunity to make guys discover our music. 

9. Whom not? 

Alex: Well, we happen to know a couple of pretentious musicians, wannabe stars…Well, we don’t mix well cause we don’t take ourselves too seriously and just try to deliver the best performance and have fun doing it… So well, no diva’s tantrums for us ^^

Sly: Extreme metal bands. I can appreciate that genre, I even already found myself screaming, headbanging, and mosh-pitting in thrash/death / black metal shows. I have the deepest respect for them as musicians but honestly, I don't really think fans of Cannibal Corpse or Dimmu Borgir would appreciate having a band like us before the guys they came to see. It would be a waste of time for everyone.

10. Have any of you ever suffered from stage fright? Any tip for beginners on how to beat that? 

Alex: Well, don’t tell him I told you that but before being a great half-naked showman, Seb only played alone at home! It took him a couple of years before doing its first live performance. The only key is to dive in, we all failed, made mistakes, some on record…Alex’s first and probably worst solo ever is still available online if you know where to look. Embrace your failures and work on them, easy to say but try not to be ashamed and surround yourself with support and positivity, and rock on!

Sly: I gave a lot of shows and I always, ALWAYS suffer from stage fright. But you know what? That's a great thrill that gives a lot of energy. You just gotta remember that you know your parts and that creepy feeling will vanish as soon as the first chord will sound.

11. What bands have inspired you the most? 

Alex: We all have very different backgrounds, as for Alex, he listened to a hell lot of Blues when he was younger and now, he’s known to have some pretty “singular” tastes as would Dorian say… He digs into Gojira as well as Stevie Ray Vaughn and Zakk Wylde’s work to forge his style. Seb began to listen to metal music at the end of the 80s with Metallica, Megadeth, Pantera, etc, and learned to play guitar with these bands and Satriani or Vai, but has always listened to every kind of song… For all of us, when music is good, no matter its style.

Sly: There are so many inspiring bands I'ts just impossible to answer. Moreover, if you leave one only band that influences you, you won't play your own music, there won't be anything personal and you won't be interested to hear.

12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for? 

Sly: Er... it was not a fan but a band we were playing with. They asked one of us if they could shave his butthole. I won't say anything more and let your imagination do the rest ha ha ha!

13. What do you think of your fans? 

Alex: We love them obviously, without them, playing doesn’t have the same taste. We love our music and playing it sparks Joy (Luvya Marie) but playing in an empty room or having no one to drunkenly tell us how bad we are would not be as fun! We just can’t wait to meet the 200k+ next fans our album’s gonna bring (Ahem…)

Sly: Well... They are fantastic but they are not enough to get me rich and live a full life of decadence. So don't hesitate to join us and give your money man!

14. What do you think of our site?

Sly: Every site that's made to promote music is respectable and must be supported. Don't you ever give up 'cause musicians like us need guys like you? We were talking about the fans without whom we're nothing, it's the same with sites like yours. Without them, we're nothing either.

15. Something to add?

Sly: We are good, we are awesome, we're sexy as hell, come and join our troops ! I guess you never met such a cool beggar as me (laughs)

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