Interviews About Albums: The Behaviour - A Sin Dance (2023)

In this new interview, we sat down with the American Post Alternative Rock band The Behaviour to ask some questions about their album "A Sin Dance"

1. What can you say about this new EP/CD?

This album was many years in the making. I started writing it in 2020 and began the recording process in 2022. It came about by a combination of things - separation, loneliness, the pandemic, loss, trauma, longing, sobriety, and became a healing process in doing so. Shadow work in its purest form. After being the drummer in a number of groups on many different levels over many, many years, I thought it was time to step up and out from behind the kit and take the reins completely. I wanted to prove, to myself more than anyone, that it could be done. To create something that was pure and organic, with many aural and lyrical textures, meanings, and layers. I aimed to utilize the universal language to truly exemplify what drives me, what makes me who I am, for all to see and hear out on display in sheer vulnerability. It is definitely introspective and emotional, as well as giving glimpses of perspectives faced outwards. I hope that is conveyed. 

2. What is the meaning of the EP/CD name?

A Sin Dance is word play on the term ascendance. It has a double meaning as well...”a sin dance” gives a subtle nod to the type of music that I create (heavy dark music), where embracing and accepting one’s sinful nature can be atoned for and possibly made peace with through acceptance and dancing in its embrace. At the same time, ascendance is what I (and hopefully humans in general) strive for, and I hope to achieve through my music; if not spiritually and emotionally, at least creatively through escapism.

3. Which one is the composer of the CD/EP?

I am, as well as the only performer, instrumentalist, and vocalist on the album.

4. If you had to pick one song, which one would you pick?


5. Is there a special message in this EP/CD? If there is what it is?

Indeed there is. No matter what we face in despair, no matter how difficult the challenges and adversity we face may be, we can become stronger and better humans to ourselves and others around us through love, respect, worth, humility, kindness, honesty, emotional maturity, empathy, compassion, and forgiveness. And that applies just as much to the self as to our fellow humans around us. No matter how dark it may get, if you truly desire to Shine, you must do the difficult task of facing your demons and find that the only path to the light is through that darkness. And then recognize and balance it once you have made it, and be grateful for every single experience, positive and negative, that brought you here.

6. Are there some lyrics that you'd love to share?

You can’t have what I’ve got
It’s something I’m saving
You don’t hear a word I’ve said
No, not a thing
You won’t go where I’ve gone
Too frozen with fear
You’ll never be what I am
I am no saint
A life without applause
Is no life at all
House of ill repute
Within your walls I’m warm

7. Which inspirations have been important for this album? Like musically or friends, family, someone you'd love to thank especially?

Musically - Jeff Buckley, Soundgarden, Slint, Killing Joke, Pink Floyd, Leonard Cohen, My Bloody Valentine, David Bowie, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Failure 

Personally - my mother, sister, father, nephew, the love of my life Wendy A. for immeasurable love, support, and encouragement throughout the entire process, Scott for his invaluable production expertise and assistance in bringing it to life

8. Something to add?

Thank you so much for supporting The Behaviour, and helping to reach anyone who the music may resonate with. I am very grateful! Please stay informed at: Https://thebehaviourmusic Https://

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