Interviews: Dead Never Sleep

On this new occasion, we have had the opportunity to interview the Thrash Metal/Heavy Metal/Gothic Rock/Punk band Dead Never Sleep from the USA. Check out this band and follow them on their FACEBOOK PAGE.

1. Where did you get the idea for the band name, you plan it or come out just like that?

Ian: We started out with a different name that still had the D.N.S. Acronym, but felt it was juvenile. We wrote out 30 other possibilities over a few beers and decided “Dead Never Sleep” was best for us due to the creepy style of music we play and our love of zombies and vampires lol

2. Why did you want to play this genre?

Ian: All of us came from different bands to form this band. All the bands were different genres. After years of playing, we all already had our own styles locked in. We draw from all our influences to create this eclectic sound. Punk-driven drums, intricate thrash riffs, progressive bass lines, and theatrical Goth/black metal vocals. It honestly came together very organically.

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?

Ian: Yes. We all knew each other for about a year or two.

4. Each band member's favorite band?

Ian: Megadeth/Depeche Mode

Joey: Queens of the Stone Age & Thrice

Sebas: Lamb of God

Ellery: Black Sabbath

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?

Ian: My parents had music playing constantly growing up, so, I have so many influences from where my inspiration comes. Anything from Led Zeppelin to Duran Duran - King Crimson to Bartók, etc.

Sebas: I'll pick up my guitar and start playing random riffs at times, or sometimes I'll hear a song playing on a radio station that I really like and I'll try to remember to learn how to play it when I get home. Genres range from reggae, classical, blues, new wave, rock, punk, and metal.

Joey: Late-night buzz and usually listening to different bands. When inspiration strikes I grab my notepad.

Ellery: My love for music, especially live music.

6. Where was your last gig?

Ian: Our last gig: is Redwood Bar in downtown Los Angeles.

Sebas: Our gig a few days before that was RokHouse Brewery hosted by Taco Punx/Taco Punx Flea Market event.

7. Where would you like to act?

Ian: I'd love to perform in every country. Haha

Sebas: The Rady Shell

Joey: Aftershock Festival

Ellery: In front of a big as possible crowd of people who dig the same music I do.

8. Whom would you like to feature with?

Ian: I’d love to play with Megadeth, Korn, Ministry, Obituary, Municipal Waste… the list goes on!

Sebas: Lamb of God, but there are many more of course.

Joey: Iron Maiden

Ellery: Whoever can facilitate #7.

9. Have any of you ever suffered from stage fright? Any tips for beginners on how to beat that?

Ian: Maybe in the beginning a little… if you focus on the music and performance you just get used to it. It becomes very natural. You really have to jump off the deep end. 

Sebas: Pretend I'm practicing with the band or enjoying the show along with everyone else like I'm a part of the crowd.

Joey: Most big shows but I have sort of a pre-show thing to get ready to play.

Ellery: In my earliest forays on stage I sucked so bad and had no idea. I was so naive. Now I feel I have a handle on my instrument, I look back at it and can't imagine that my worst isn't already behind me. And it's your outlook. It took me a while but I no longer see playing onstage as a competition or test subject to the crowd's judging eyes, it's expression, some people will get it and some won't.

10. What bands have inspired you the most?

Ian: Megadeth, King Crimson, Depeche Mode.

Sebas: Too many to count but Lamb of God, Metallica, Dream Theater, The Offspring, and Allegaeon are a few.

Joey: Thrice, Anti Flag, The Offspring, QOTSA, Slipknot.

Ellery: That's a tough one! Black Sabbath, Bolt Thrower, Brutal Truth, Obituary, Napalm Death, Benediction, Candlemass, Rainbow, Kreator, Discharge, Thievery Corporation, Albert King, Eyehategod... shall I continue?

11. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?

Ian: My used ear plugs haha

Sebas: My car keys

Joey: My stick

Ellery: A pick. Because I don't use one.

12. What do you think of your fans?

Ian: I think our fans are fucking AMAZING!!! Loyal, caring, and involved with us as much as we are with them. They are quite engaged! 

Joey: Wish they'd come to more shows 

Sebas: Looking forward to meeting more of them 

Ellery:  Whoever and wherever they may be, I appreciate them very much. 

13. What do you think of our site?

Ian: I think your site is great!! Thank you for this opportunity!! 

Sebas: Always seems up to date, you guys are on it with current events

Joey:  Honestly haven't checked it out yet but thanks for the feature! 

Ellery: Dig it! 

14. Something to add?

Ian: Support your local scene! 

Joey: Don't forget who supported you along the way 

Sebas: Check out Krunch Kabinets Music Gear for some good quality custom gear. You'll see my setup in our music video! 

Ellery:  Everybody, support your scene! Go to local shows and clubs, check out all the underground bands, and come be part of the community. 

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