On this new occasion, we have had the opportunity to interview the Black Metal band LESKENTUSKA from Finland. Check out this band and follow them on their FACEBOOK PAGE.

1. Where did you get the idea for the band name, you plan it or come out just like that?

Yeah, so this is kind of a silly story. You know, Opeth has a song called Windowpane (with a great atmosphere, by the way). Our drummer Matias was joking around with a friend and they thought that the word 'windowpane' sounded a bit like widow’s pain, which in Finnish translates to 'lesken tuska'. So we thought Leskentuska sounded pretty badass. So once again we are in debt to the Swedish metal gods.

2. Why did you want to play this genre?

We think that black metal, melodic metal, and punk rock allow us to write songs that are punchy but also evoke a wide range of emotions. It was also important to us from the start that our music would be easy to play live, so we didn’t want to add backing tracks or make the songs too complicated. We think this makes for an honest, energetic, and great live experience.

Lauri: As a songwriter, it was important to me from the beginning that Matias and black metal are kind of a match made in hell, and I wanted to celebrate and strengthen that unholy union.

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?

Yes, we did, Matias and Aapo (the bassist) have known each other since childhood and Lauri and Matias used to study together. We also play in another band that was formed before Leskentuska, a band called Jusse Kivi.

4. Each band member's favorite band?

Lauri: Katatonia.

Aapo: Iron Maiden & Watain

Matias: Electric Wizard.

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?

Lauri: I am working on a doctorate at the University of Oulu on the history of homicide. I have to read a lot of hard and dark material, which to some extent gets under my skin and causes anxiety. Almost all our songs are related to my research in some way, and it allows me to release some of the tensions that arise at work. So you could say I am inspired by the atrocities, suffering, pain, anger, and rage of our ancestors. Most of our songs, however, are not about condemning people who did terrible things, but about criticizing power structures such as the church and the state, which have caused people to suffer in the past.

6. Where was your last gig?

6.5.2023 at 45 Special, Oulu, Finland. (or 23.9.2023 at Bar 15, Seinäjoki, Finland, in case this story comes out after)

7. Where would you like to act?

Lauri: I would like to play some gigs in Eastern Europe, Warsaw, Prague, Vilnius... And some Finnish festival gigs, Saarihelvetti, Nummirock.

Matias: Barcelona, Razzmatazz

Aapo: All of the above, but most of all, Wacken.

8. Whom would you like to feature with?

Lauri: MGLA.

Matias: With my guys, but if you ask about the band, then MGLA.

Aapo: MGLA, Watain, Antikristuksen Kätyrit

9. Whom not?

Lauri: I would play a gig with anyone, regardless of genre, as long as the event we represent is not offensive to any group of people.

Matias: Emperor. But only because I would rather see them myself than sit backstage.

Aapo: Lauri said it very well.

10. Have any of you ever suffered from stage fright? Any tips for beginners on how to beat that?

Lauri: Not so much. I think sometimes people fear failure on stage, which can become a self- fulfilling prophecy. Instead of imagining failure, imagine success on stage. So I recommend doing imagination exercises alongside your regular rehearsals.

Matias: Yes, I got stage fright two weeks before the gig. My tip: take a beef half an hour before the show and another one during the show.

Aapo: Not really a stage fright, it’s usually more of an overwhelming boost of excitement and energy. Do whatever helps you to get to the mood of rock and roll. Fernet helps.

11. What bands have inspired you the most?

Lauri: Katatonia, CMX, Kvelertak, MGLA, Swallow the Sun.

Matias: Kvelertak, MGLA, High on Fire, and so many others.

Aapo: Iron Maiden, Watain, MGLA, Arthemesia, Kouta, to name a few...

12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?

Lauri: I don't know, but the strangest thing I've ever asked the audience for is wool socks. It happened sometime in 2019-2020 via Tinder when we were traveling to play in Seinäjoki. It was cold in the car, my feet were freezing. I got them, my everlasting thanks to the kind lady!

Matias: I've been asked for some drumsticks, although I've never seen the guy before.

Aapo: A bass solo.

13. What do you think of your fans?

Lauri: I respect them, of course. Everyone who listens to our music and comes to our concerts. As a historian, I find it amusing how many people want to hear more about our stories and my work.

Matias: Our fans are generally hardcore about ale.

Aapo: I have a great respect towards those who find our music interesting and support us.

14. What do you think of our site?

The site is nice, it’s been nice to be working together.

15. Something to add?

Listen to our music, follow us on Instagram, and buy our releases on Bandcamp. The more you support us, the faster we'll be able to record and release more music. We have a lot of songs in the pipeline, but funding is tight. Ave Mathias!!

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