Interviews: Violet Blend

On this new occasion, we have had the opportunity to interview the Alternative Metal band Violet Blend from Italy. Check out this band and follow them on their FACEBOOK PAGE.

1. Where did you get the idea for the band name, you plan it or come out just like that?

There is research rather than a story behind the choice of the name Violet Blend. It combines our origins and our passion for exploration. Violet is the color that represents our city, Florence (Italy), our traditions and our background, our safe place, and our home. I've always had a particular sensitivity towards colors and shades, that color has the power to relax and inspire me. Blend suggests our need to go further and what we like to do with our music by mixing things up. It's our wish to go over the limits and safe places, the pleasure to discover new things, new sounds, and blending concepts, styles, experiences, forms, and genres in our music, the desire to be a person with a million different faces.

2. Why did you want to play this genre? 

We describe our music as a blend of different musical genres, forms, and styles. We mix metal, rock, punk, progressive, and classical forms that are part of our background and of course, reflect our tastes. We always try to paint a musical discourse of clear sonic eloquence with the right expressive power to describe and dissect feelings. We tell stories about fears, anxieties, broken dreams, aspirations, joys, and hopes of our life. We also speak about the importance of standing and react against everything that hurts you. The music we write just reflects what we are, what we think and what we like.

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed? 

We're from Florence, a very famous but also small city in central Italy. Known for culture and fine art, Florence was the birth-place of the Renaissance and opera, it was the stage of many cultural and musical movements until the 80’s, but now it just keeps the memory of it. The musical community is ironically lean and almost every one knows each other at least by sight. The band was formed by me and drummer Michel Agostini, he was a session musician for my solo project, my ex producer introduced me to him, because I needed a full band for the tour. We realized there there was an amazing chemistry between us and so we decided to form the band and immediately started composing new songs. We were looking for someone with the same vision of music as us and it was not that simple, then we got in touch with the bassist Ferruccio Baroni. There was no better decision, we have so much fun together.

4. Each band member favourite band? 

When they ask me these questions I imagine having to choose something to listen to forever, as if the world ends and only one band could be saved. For me it’d definitely be Seether. For Michel is Queen and for Ferruccio is Muse.

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs? 

I write almost all of my songs in one go, I sit at the piano and then words and notes come naturally in relation to my mood, the feelings I'm experienced in that moment and the thoughts I've in mind. All of my songs talk about what happens to me in everyday life, the feelings I experience, the thoughts that invade my mind, they are often answers to the difficult situations I find myself facing. To write music it's like an atonement, I feel immediately better, it cures me. I try to speak honestly in my songs, to be real and true, both in the music and in the lyrics, that's the real me without any mask to protect me. For the part more technical and musical, there is a kaleidoscopic world of genres, forms, styles and influences in my education and view of music. I have two college degrees in musicology, I’ve studied different instruments (saxophone, piano, guitar) and different genres, I've been playing classical music since I was a kid and this resonates when I write songs, all these experiences blend together in my life. Every time I listen to music I learn a new technique, a new way of communicating and I translate it according to my sensitivity.

6. Where was your last gig?

We tour a lot and I always get confused with concerts, but I think the last one was at the end of August in Bologna, Italy. We headlined the Jubileum Rock Festival and it was a blast. It was a very cool Festival with bands from all over Italy, lots of great music, amazing people, we were surronded by nature with mountains right in front of us, it was real fun.

7. Where would you like to perform?

I can't wait to be back on tour in the UK! We're planning the tour for the next Spring/Summer, we're very excited about it. We've toured twice in the past years and we had to go again in 2020 but the pandemic stopped us, we're really looking forward to it.

8. Whom would you like to perform with?

We were lucky enough to share stages with many incredible artists and established bands, such as Radiohead, Garbage, Palaye Royale and every time it was a blast. My dream is to perform with Jack White one day, he's one of my favorite artists of all time. We could make a plea and see what he says!

9. Whom not? 

We are always very friendly, we like meeting people and making new friends. Playing others bands, especially if you do a whole tour together, is always great and you have the opportunity to know the people behind the artist, we really like that. For now we don't have a blacklist.

10. Any of you has ever suffered from stage fright? Any tip for beginners on how to beat that?

Of course yes! I think a small dose of stage fright is good, it makes you give 100%. In my opinion it is important to never take anything for granted, it's essential to connect with the audience in front of you and try to give your best performance every time. There are many mental and physical relaxation techniques that can be used before concerts, a little stretching doesn't hurt and warming up (especially for the voice) is an essential and healing aspect of stage stress. I always take at least half an hour before the show to warm up my voice and when we are very nervous we usually warm up our voices all together to calm each other down.

11. What bands have inspired you the most?

I listen to everything and I'm influenced by everything. My music has been influenced by so many bands along the way that it's hard form me to name just few. I also have temporary obsessions, periods when I only listen to a specific artist or band. Lately my work, has been influenced heavily by Edgard Varèse, as regards the timbral processing of instruments and the manipulation of electronic sounds, a journey that aims to explore and create contrasting soundscapes. Falling in Reverse is another strong influence in the new songs I'm working on, heavy riffs and rhythmic breakdowns, the powerful expression of scream and the accelerated cadence of the melody.

12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?

Nothing particularly strange in person, but the internet gives always its best. I remember that one guy asked if he could buy one of my corsets, I replied by pointing out a couple of sites, but at the end of the story he wanted specifically one of mine and he wanted it to wear it. Once after a concert, bassist Ferruccio was asked to autograph a girl's breast, I'm not sure if this is strange enough.

13. What do you think of your fans? 

Our main goal is to reach people's hearts with our music. When people listen to our music I want them to feel understood, that they’re not alone, we all have dark moments, but we have to find a way to live well. Our greatest satisfaction is when a person tells us that one of our songs has helped them through a difficult moment in their life. Music brings people together in a profound way and can give you the strength to carry on in the darkest moments. It's a wonderful feeling to have confirmation that what you are doing is helping someone feel better. I strongly believe in the healing power of music and its ability to turn strangers into friends, this is what we do with our fans. Music allows you to build relationships with people you'd never meet any other way, we're very grateful for the support they give us.

14. What do you think of our site?

I think that you guys are doing a great job. In these times of musical flood where everything is confused, you guide people to discover the best bands from all over the world and also help them learn a lot about the music itself. I really appreciate the insights you do regarding the artworks and tracks, they allow artists to express themselves more deeply and people to profoundly understand the meaning of music and images. Thanks for everything you do.

15. Something to add?

Yes, we have great news to tell you! We're working on something new for us, we haven't announced it properly, this is a spoiler for Breathing the Core only! We'll release our very first live album on October 27th via Eclipse Records and we're thrilled! The album is called "Live and True" and contains 17 tracks, a full concert that we performed in 2022 in Florence, Italy. There will also be CDs of the album and we'll start the pre-order very soon. Hope you like the news! Thanks for having me, it's been a pleasure chatting with you. Greetings from Italy!

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