Behind The Scenes: NEVER ELECTED - All My Life (Official Video)

Once we figured out that All My Life would be the perfect song to release as a first single, we spoke with Rahul Mukerji of Proviscocity LLC about making a Music Video, whom we had previously worked with on our last two videos, that had gotten us significant attention worldwide. After agreeing on the aesthetic we were going for, the rest fell in place quite easily. We decided to shoot the whole video in the basement area known as The Rum Cellar at The Palace of Markujitsu. The entire band had to just be themselves and we played along with the track, a few million times, while Rahul used various lenses and shot from different angles.

The whole shoot took a little over half a day, with the day prior being spent preparing two different sets, in separate areas of The Rum Cellar, to enable seamless shooting.

We had an absolute blast filming the video and have some hilarious moments captured on camera, that we will be sharing on our social media platforms in the near future. We leave the rest of this interview to the man himself.

Rahul Mukerji of Proviscocity LLC, who shot, directed, and edited the video says -
When the band decided that they wanted to pursue a video for their single, I was very excited about the proposition.

We started with the basic concept of what we thought the video should portray. The song is a fast paced, short track with a punk ethic. Our previous videos have been associated with longer tracks which afforded us the luxury of creating a storyline. This track had to be approached differently. We settled on going with Guns N’ Roses “Garden of Eden” aesthetic, where the band plays through the song, in a live setting, and then add other elements. Our resolve was to stay within the basement area and shoot everything there.

From a direction perspective, the fisheye lens offered an entertaining shot that became integral to how we wanted to depict some of the scenes. Ambiance-wise, we went with strobe lighting and background lighting. The band invested and bought lights for the video. We used an array of lenses, static shots, gimbal movements, various camera angles, and a variety of lighting situations. It was my intent to showcase each member of the band prominently through the video, so some of the solo shots were pulled in. My favorite shots are the shots that show up at the one-minute thirty-second mark in the video.

The editing was straightforward. We just picked the most appropriate shots based on the scene. A few revisions later, we had a video that was a good representation of the track.

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