Band Biographies: GREH

GREH is a new band of Gjero Krsteski (guitar / ex. HELLGREASER), Maurice Monne (drums / HARD STRIKE, MILAN) and Martin Kocula (vocals / GRAU) from Germany. After Gjero left HELLGREASER, he founded GREH. First in 2022 as a one-man project and since 2023 as a full-fledged band. On March 31, 2023, the digital debut EP "Reversion Of The Repressed" was released with five songs, which stylistically represent a mixture of black and death metal with doom elements, combining sadness and heaviness with groove and dissonance.

The band has supported bands like Ophis, HEXIS, Iron Walrus, Magefa, and headlined shows together with Arsen, Dornen, Tristis, Tourin Horse since 2023 and gained a legion of fans. GREH is currently working on their debut album, due for release in winter 2024.

For fans of Hexis, Heriot, Nails, Mantar, Thou, Ophis, Konvent, Conan, YOB, High On Fire, Predatory Void, Amenra.


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