Interviews About Albums: The Danse Society - The Loop (2024)

In this new interview, we sat down with the British Post-Punk band The Danse Society to ask questions about their album "The Loop".

1. What can you say about this new Album?

The title is The Loop. It’s a bit like Dr Who in music. 4 decades of evolution reinventing darkness through various incarnations. The essence is the same but each band member brings new vibes. The loop is released on limited edition Snow White vinyl, CD, and DD with related bundles with T-shirts and free live CD on presale.

2. What is the meaning of the name?

The Loop means the eras that keep repeating. Patterns of chaos that surge and suck into storms that smother humanity every time it embraces the delusion that all is calm. The fragility of the human mind is in the hand of a few greedy governors who choose to divide and conquer as they please.

3. Which one is the composer of The Loop?

Founder member and guitarist Paul Nash created the initial ideas and most of the lyrics, also co-written with singer Maethelyiah. The string parts have been written between Paul and drummer Dylan Riley. However, the completion of the songs has been written all together with bassist Jack Cooper and newly joining keyboard player Steve Dickinson. We were also blessed with the presence of very talented guests such as Adam Scott on percussions, Murray Robinson on sax, Sam Wrigley on trumpet, Felicity Lloyd on cello, and Marcjanna Slodczyk on violin.

4. If you had to pick one song, which one would you pick?

If you were only listening.

5. Is there a special message in this album? If there is what it is?

The last few years have been characterized by a general sense of fear and division created to make the population isolated and mostly vulnerable. Entire TV shows distract creating stereotypes to be used as scapegoats to hide what really is causing austerity. It’s the old trick of looking at the tip of the finger which points at the moon, it becomes easy to stop there.

6. Are there some lyrics that you'd love to share?

The lies

Today’s a great day
Said the lie to the truth
There’s sunshine
Let’s take a swim together

They undress and start bathing
Until the lies comes out of the water
Puts on the truths clothes and runs away

The lies are your truth
The lies who needs proof
The lies you better believe
The lies live and breathe

The world seeing the truth naked
Turns its gaze away
With contempt and rage
The poor truth dives back to the water
To hide her own shame

Dressed as the truth
The lie rides around the globe
Satisfying the world
Who wasn’t ready
For the naked truth

7. Which inspirations have been important for this album? Like musically or friends, family, someone you'd love to thank especially?

Being musicians puts us in touch with many people from around the world. We are very active in human and animal rights. Yes, our lyrics are inspired by what happens in the world but at the same time, the inspiration is used to spread awareness and mostly to unite the people. We feel very humble to give our supporters our energy through our thought-provoking music and seeing newer and older generations of Dansers (that’s what we call our supporters) is the best achievement we can aim for. We are certainly very thankful to them.

8. Something to add?

It’s never too late to think outside the box.
Thank you for reading this.

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