Interviews About Albums: Mythraeum - Oblivion Aeternam (2024)

In this new interview, we sat down with the American Black Metal band Mythraeum to ask questions about their album, "Oblivion Aeterman".

1. What can you say about Oblivion Aeternam? 

Oblivion Aeternam has been in the making now for a long time and we are so ecstatic to unleash this upon the world! This album dances around philosophical ideas and occult mysticism all the while you feel this crushing, heavy darkness of humanity throughout the music.

2. What is the meaning of the album name?

The meaning of the album name stems from the philosophical/religious idea of Oblivion which is, the thought of one's consciousness ceasing to exist upon death. Aeternam is just Latin for eternal so, combined we have this concept of an everlasting death of essentially the soul.

3. Which one is the composer of Oblivion Aeternam?

The main composers are Wraith and Algiz, but the whole band has an input on what is written.

4. If you had to pick one song, which one would you pick?

We love all the songs on the album as each one is unique in its own way, but the one that really digs deep is "Beyond the Void"

5. Is there a special message in Oblivion Aeternam? If there is, what is it?

There isn't an exact special message, but this album’s concept shows the progression of an already fucked society falling into the hands of an armageddon where the earth is reclaiming its throne and cosmic deities have this sort of reign on any last grasp of humanity.

6. Are there some lyrics that you'd love to share?

Some lyrics that stand out to us are... 

'The seasons lapse and the halls are engulfed in Gaia's majesty" - (Halls of Forgotten Will) 

Let go of your humanity, and look beyond this mortal realm
There you’ll find what you’ve long sought
Freed from these worldly chains at last - (Beyond the Void)

7. Which inspirations have been important for this album? Like musically or friends, family, someone you'd love to thank especially? 

For this album, there wasn't really a direct inspiration that was different from any other time we write, but nature is a hugely important one for us. We also drew lots of ideas from listening to dissection, windir, old man's child, classical music, video game music, and just really any sort of musical medium we could get our hands on. 

We would love to thank a few special people who made this album happen! Eric Dow, Marco Barbieri, J-F Dagenais, Ethan Stouder, Steve Brogden, Cassie Morris, Colin Marston, and of course the San Diego Metal Family. Thank you all so much!

8. Something to add? 

Oblivion Aeternam is set to release on July 6th, 2024 so pre-order it now!

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