Interviews About Albums: REDWOOD - DRY RIVERS (2024)

In this new interview, we sat down with the American Psychedelic Stoner Rock band REDWOOD to ask questions about their album, "DRY RIVERS".

1. What can you say about this new EP/CD?

This EP is the second release from REDWOOD, and probably the best release ever put together by Northern Buffalo Productions; the personal production studio REDWOOD works with. There were originally 6 songs for this EP, but we decided to cut out anything we didn’t feel 200% confident in. Each song is the best we can do, and we only intend to do better with time, cutting the fat, and leaving the meat. So we really hope to get people listening to it and getting as stoked as we are about it.

2. What is the meaning of the EP/CD name?

‘DRY RIVERS’ is a concept referring to the state of our society these days. We believe there’s a cultural decay of what used to be a genuine, hardworking middle class, and a slow death of a world where abundance and prosperity, both economic and ecological, have given way to culture wars and pollution. There seems to be a constant exchange of power between old, out-of-touch billionaires, with no visible progress, and no voice for genuine people with a centrist vision; and that’s truly decaying the beauty of what we could theoretically have as a society. Sounds depressing, but having a voice through music can really morph depression into the psychological congregation; which is something we in REDWOOD truly believe in. Genuine minds congregating together and appreciating the beauty of the world is always a step in the right direction, and, much like music, is great therapy for a better world.

3. Which one is the composer of the CD/EP?

With respect, we like to keep names out of the public image of REDWOOD, but we work closely with Northern Buffalo Productions and members of Deer Lord.

4. If you had to pick one song, which one would you pick?

Probably ‘DRY RIVERS’ for its instrumental composition, but ‘MODERN WAY’ for its lyrical content; another song touching base on current American culture wars and the power trips of American media.

5. Is there a special message in this EP/CD? If there is what is it?

Most of this interview has probably come across as pretty preachy, which isn’t the intention. But we’re very opinionated and unapologetic (like most artists lol).

But the main message of this album is that we recognize the restlessness in the culture we exist in. Everybody does. The bulk of the society we live in, though it never seems this way, is by and large like-minded. We want to live our lives in freedom, and have opportunities to grow as the adults that we are; and teach the next generation to be happy, contributing adults someday with a bountiful world to exist in. Most people don’t like being told how to live their lives, and most people don’t like seeing out-of-touch individuals governing their lives. Economy, culture, religion, drugs, art, and everything in between play a role in our society. We think it’s in everybody’s best interest to positively maintain all of those factors in order to live the best life they can; and understand everyone is different, but facing the same reality and world that everyone else is facing. Very long-winded, but that’s generally the message conveyed in REDWOOD on an unreasonably deep level. But then of course the final track of the album is a story about an alien riding a motorcycle on the rim of a black hole. So there’s a balance between lyrical depth and just plain fun fantasy concepts. lol

6. Are there some lyrics that you'd love to share?

Needless hope
Passing down
It’ll be ok they say as they pass around the crown
Govern me
Pacify these men
Congregation in the church as the elders burn it down
Starving future is the will of man
Dry rivers, hydrate their plan
Silence in the halls of time we’re running to the end
Dry rivers once filled with the blood of man

7. Which inspirations have been important for this album? Like musically or friends, family, someone you'd love to thank especially?

Living in the scenery of Northern California is inspiring on its own accord. The vast valleys, clean air, perfect weather, and towering redwood trees make someone feel small and appreciative of the world. It also makes for some amazing backroad drives; which require great music.

Some music influences include Kyuss, Asteroid, Greenleaf, Kadavar, Kadabra, Dozer, Elder, Earthless, Lowrider, Crypt Trip, Valley of the Sun, Fu Manchu, Orange Goblin, Elephant Tree, Astroqueen, Black Rainbows, and most of all, Truckfighters. All the friends and family of REDWOOD are just as pivotal to the creation of this EP as well. Without them, and this isn’t said lightly, without them, there would be no REDWOOD to listen to. They are all loved endlessly.

8. Something to add?

We just really want to thank Breathing the Core for taking the time to show interest in this interview, as well as Good Boy PR for helping us get this material out there. We really hope you enjoy this music as much as we do, and hope everyone else does as well. Thank you so much for your time.

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