Interviews About Albums: Everything Decays - REQUIEM 1; The Serial Killer's Symphony of Liberation, Deliverance and Relief (2024)

In this new interview, we sat down with the Dutch Deathcore/Groove Metal band Everything Decays to ask questions about their album, "REQUIEM 1; The Serial Killer's Symphony of Liberation, Deliverance and Relief".

1. What can you say about this new EP/CD?

Requiem 1, the short version of the title, was written and recorded in the second half of last year. We wrote each song in the rehearsal room, something that worked really well for us. We each add our individual vision to the song, since we have some diverse background music we've managed to create a sound that you can recognize as the typical 'Everything Decays' sound. Lyrical-wise, I approached this EP as I would've read a book, each song is a chapter of the story and by listening to the songs the life story of the serial killer, as she is the main topic of this EP, becomes clearer by the minute. I definitely like the build-up in the story as it keeps getting more aggressive.

2. What is the meaning of the EP/CD name?

The full name of the EP is 'REQUIEM 1; The Serial Killer's Symphony of Liberation, Deliverance and Relief. Our bass player Stijn came up with the title after reading the lyrics of the songs and with it managed to capture the essence of the story; the vision that she, the serial killer, has for the future and how she tries to achieve it step by step.

3. Which one is the composer of the CD/EP?

We compose the songs as a whole, meaning every band member contributes to the songs. Most of the time the songs start out with Janoes and Stijn creating some riffs that work well together, followed by Marvin who adds the drums and they change the dynamics of the song depending on how the instruments work together. When a first draft/concept idea is ready I start writing lyrics and vocal lines, i like to take my inspiration from what I hear and feel and sometimes that means rewriting parts of the song, adding or leaving out some instrumental parts so that each line fits together. Sometimes I'm still surprised by how easily we write together and how ideas flow freely when we are in that room.

4. If you had to pick one song, which one would you pick?

I think my favorite song on the EP is The Legacy, the final song on the EP for which we also recorded the music video. I think the song has so much dynamic and different parts and somehow still works really well.

5. Is there a special message in this EP/CD? If there is what it is?

I don't think there is a special or hidden message in this EP, since it's a story it has a beginning and an ending which gives us an inside peek into the mind of the serial killer, how she came to be, and how she evolves.

6. Are there some lyrics that you'd love to share?

I always try to write lyrics in a way that it's more than just random scribbles, like I said earlier; I like to write stories and songs that get people to think about what they just heard. On one side there is blood and gore because well, the topic isn't exactly 'child friendly' and it's supposed to be on the heavier side to really convey the message. Some lines that I particularly like are; The Addiction; The thrill of the hunt - The more you struggle, the more you try, it sets all my senses on fire! An easy prey is a laid-back game and a challenge is what I desire.

The Suicide; A last act of atonement - We became the monsters that we all had nightmares of, we became the monsters that are lurking in the dark.

The Legacy; Transcended my mortal coil - What is humanity, but a mere summary of ideas? What is normal? Except being scared from diverging from the crowd?

7. Which inspirations have been important for this album? Like musically or friends, family, someone you'd love to thank especially?

I think we couldn't do what we do without support from our family, spouses, etc, we put a lot of time and effort into the band which in turn means we have less time to spend at home. We also like to thank Roelof Klop, who did the mix for our EP, for doing an amazing job on the songs. It's no small feat to make sure every instrument is heard and really boosts the quality overall. Next to that, he's always giving us tips and really supporting us in any way he can.

8. Something to add?

Only that we are really curious to hear what people think of our latest work! We worked hard on it and are really proud on what we managed to produce, give it a listen and if possible send us a message with your opinion! We are already working on the next EP/Album so prepare to hear even more from Everything Decays!

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