Interviews: Aklash

On this new occasion, we have had the opportunity to interview the Progressive Black Metal/Melodic Black Metal band Aklash from the UK. Check out the interview and follow the band on their FACEBOOK PAGE.

1. Where did you get the idea for the band name, you planned it or did it just come out like that?

This used to be a closely guarded secret, but as it has come up more and more frequently, I believe it's beginning to be better known. So, inspired by many of the early black metal bands who took their name from the works of Tolkien, (Gorgoroth, Isengard etc.) Aklash is likewise inspired by these works. The word Aklash is taken from Orcish, and translates to “Music”.

2. Why did you want to play this genre?

Black metal, in essence, is a very malleable genre. It allows the composer to experiment with timbres and textures in ways that other music doesn't. Also, it's very emotionally raw and primal, it allows for deeper levels of expression that you fail to find elsewhere. I know some people may say that the great romantic composers, like Wagner and Chopin, inspire such moving emotions, but I've never seen a bassoon player pass out after hammering a phrase well beyond the threshold of his capacity.

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?

There have been many incarnations of Aklash. However, the most recent founding took place very organically. Many of the members had been friends previously and when the band underwent a total overhaul we all just rallied to the cause. The two remaining original members, Chris and Nicholas knew Marco from playing with Nomos. Yiannis was introduced through a mutual friend and immediately became an integral part of the project.

4. Each band member's favourite band?

Yiannis: An impossible question to answer as a lifelong musician, but I’ll go with Guns N’ Roses

Nico: I don't have a favourite band, I have a favourite time period… early Renaissance. But if you were to try and force a decision. J S Bach. He has already done everything.

Marco: I would probably say, Morbid Angel. Flawless back-to-back albums.

Chris: Impossible to choose one, I’ve been listening to a lot of early Cryptopsy again recently. In contrast, I’ve been listening to a lot of prog rock like Yes and King Crimson lately too.

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?

Our lives. How we weave magic into every aspect of life. Experiences and their interpretation. The omens spelt in the flights of carrion birds or the pattern of the gods pulled out from the tarot. Christian mysticism, 19th-century occultists like James Joyce or Alistair Crowley. But life. Life inspires us to write songs.

6. Where was your last gig?

The last show we played was a cracker of a gig in Plymouth with Arkona, Ghosts Of Atlantis, The Crawling and Earthbound. courtesy of Nytys Promotions and the Flaming Arts Agency. It was a great night with a super enthusiastic crowd. It had been a long time since we had played together and the travel was a real mission, but it was totally worth it. Plymouth is a great town to play in and the scene is really committed. It’s also home to our good friend and photographer (one of the several who worked with us on culminating images for the album) Abi Coulson. It was really nice to chill out after the show and the chaos, Drinking tea and playing with the cats!

7. Where would you like to play?

We just want to play everywhere, especially abroad. We all have a desire to travel with the band and some of our happiest moments are the antics that occur on the road. We’d love to play further afield in Europe, especially some of the more obscure festivals.

8. Who would you like to support?

In a fantasy world - we’d love to support Hawkwind or something like that, but we’d probably not entirely fit on the bill with them. But within more obtainable limitations, we’d love to support some of the giants from our genre, Wolves in the Throne Room would be fitting, even Primordial, Kvelertak, Gaerea or Borknagar! 

9. Who not?

We would play with hologram ABBA if the money was right.

10. Have any of you ever suffered from stage fright? Any tip for beginners on how to beat that?

Nico: to this day I still get nervous when I play. I used to get drunk to deal with it, but that was pretty hit or miss… now I just deal with it. It's good, to channel the energy, focus it… don't let it rule you.

11. What bands have inspired you the most?

Nico: The Meads Of Asphodel, enough said.

Marco: Dissection and Opeth.

Yiannis: Not so much bands, but I am particularly inspired by ethnic folk traditions across Europe, the Middle East and North Africa.

Chris: Any band where the bass has its own voice and character.

12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?

We don’t get many outlandish requests, however, our guitarist Yiannis was informed of the protective properties of his jewellery at one show. We were told that a piece of his jewellery, when worn onstage, would keep God watching over us and if he should ever forget it, terrible things may happen. Being an incredibly superstitious sort, that piece of silver is on his arm at every show without exception.

13. What do you think of your fans?

Aklash fans are an interesting and diverse group; as a band we find ourselves meeting people who are interested in the natural world, the classical arts, esoteric thought and a world beyond our own. It’s cool to connect with people who share our ethos of interest in matters at the edge of our understanding.

14. What do you think of our site?

We’re big fans of anyone who gives independent artists a voice, you’ve certainly done your part in that regard.

15. Something to add?

We’re very excited to have this album finally see the light of day, it’s been a Herculean effort to get this into your hands and we hope it’s something that people can enjoy.

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