Interviews: Damaged & Co

On this new occasion, we have had the opportunity to interview the Melodic Metal band Damaged & Co from Malta. Check out the interview and follow the band on their FACEBOOK PAGE.

1. Where did you get the idea for the band name; did you plan it or come out just like that?

Actually, the band started under the monicker of Kill O’clock. The original idea was to base the image and sound on the steampunk movement. A year, and a couple of line-up changes, later we felt that the title did not fit the bill anymore and started brainstorming to come up with another, more suitable name. During that period of time, the lineup consisted of six people, and we ended up with approximately 40 suggestions. Damaged & Co. was the last in line.

After long hours spent on shot listing the dice were cast. We felt that this name was the most representative of our situation. Who is not damaged? Problems in life chip away at your mind and inner core. All of us have scars to bear. Never hide your vulnerability, and never feel awkward in asking for a helping hand. There is no shame in this. So, the band is made up of five damaged individuals, supported by the company of other damaged souls.

2. Why did you want to play this genre?

It was not a deliberate choice. Each member, past and present, brought along with him various influences that blend in the cauldron which is Damaged & Co. It is hard to pigeonhole our genre, but labels have their importance when it comes to selling a product. The best fit for our style is alternative metal.

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?

Malta is a very small island right in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea and the local metal scene is not huge, so everybody seems to know everybody else. Yet the answer is not a straight yes. Due to differences in age and a variety of backgrounds, it’s safe to say that prior to becoming brothers in arms we belonged to different circles. Notwithstanding, there is a chemistry within the band that works. We balance each other out in a good way. We give a lot of importance to not disrupting that balance, especially when there are inevitable line-up changes. The choice does not automatically fall on the most proficient musician but the most fitting one for our brotherhood.

4. Each band member's favourite band?

Peter Paul (vocals) – Light the Torch.

Daniel (guitars) – In Flames

Keith (keyboards) – Iron Maiden

Alex (bass) – Red Hot Chilli Peppers

Ismael (drums) – Tool

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?

Life is our greatest inspiration. We do not write about fantasy but prefer to stick to our headaches and heartbreaks. Life can throw many situations at you that make you feel angry, depressed, desperate, down, vulnerable, etc. Our message is you are not alone. Fight and if you feel that you are at the end of your strength, seek out help. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel, and no, it is not an oncoming train…hopefully! All of us are damaged, so be very careful about what to say, how to judge, because we are all living in the same glasshouse. Stone-throwing is never advisable. We try to offer hope to the downcast. It’s not always possible to smile and it’s too simplistic to say when life gives your lemons make lemonade… at least we try to play some good music, accompanied by lyrics that hopefully will inspire people to keep fighting on.

6. Where was your last gig?

In Malta, there is currently only one venue which is properly equipped to host metal gigs – The Garage in the village of Zebbug, so most of the events are held there. Our last performance was on the 9th of March 2024, during a two-day battle of the bands entitled Metal Days – New Forces. The winners will perform at the prestigious Metal Days festival in 2025. We gave it our best shot but did not make the final cut. It was a good experience. It’s always a pleasure to perform but choices had to be made and we are more than happy for the winners. We did not have a lot of gigs this year because we were concentrating on writing new material. Also, we had a line-up change and that required a gap for Ismael, our new drummer, to settle in comfortably behind the kit. But we will be back with a vengeance.

7. Where would you like to act?

I think that every band aspires to play at large festivals. It’s not easy but with hard work and dedication, who knows? We try to take any opportunity that comes our way to expose our music to different audiences. Apart from Malta we performed in Italy and Israel and are currently working on a couple of dates or maybe a mini-tour for 2025. Being self-financed makes it harder as we have to fork out all the expenses. But this is the love of our lives, and we give it our all.

8. Whom would you like to feature with?

We were lucky to be on the same bill with Deathstars (Dark Malta Festival 2023) and we opened for Lordi at the Aria Complex during the same year. The list is endless. Everybody dreams of being featured with his favourite band or with the big shots. These are our hopes and dreams, but we are happy to feature with anyone who spreads the gospel of metal. Performing live is always a joy and we try to make the best of what comes our way.

9. Whom not?

Never thought about that really. No particular bands come to mind but there are situations that we try our best to avoid, such as association with political parties and organisations that are all about hate. We are not perfect but try our best to spread hope.

10. Have any of you ever suffered from stage fright? Any tips for beginners on how to beat that?

Many musicians are afflicted with this malady. Freezing just before walking out for a concert. Blanking out, etc. etc. Everyone deals with it in a different way. There is no one-size-fits-all remedy. Some put on their favourite tunes, others go as far as to create an alter ego. The most important thing to keep in mind is to relax. This is what you love to do. This is what your life revolves around. This is the moment for you to come alive and give the audience what they came to watch. Make the experience special for them. Take a few deep breaths……all the butterflies or bats in your stomach, will fly away when you hit that first note. Just go for it and enjoy the ride.

11. What bands have inspired you the most?

The influences are many, apart from the favourite bands these were some of those mentioned when the question was asked around: Disturbed, Stained, Breaking Benjamin, Myrath, Amon Amarth, Led Zeppelin, Motley Crue, System of a Down, Foo Fighters, Lamb of God, Slayer, Killswitch Engage, Being as an Ocean, Texas Hippie Coalition, Cradle of Filth, Deep Purple, Black Sabbath, Metallica, Pantera, Korn, Dream Theatre, Bullet for My Valentine ……..etc. etc.

12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?

It’s not like we are living the rock star dream. Very far from that actually, so weird stuff does not happen a lot. An episode that pops to mind is when one of our fans asked us to help carry out our gear after we performed with Lordi! That was a very welcome request and his desire was adhered to instantly. It’s always nice to get some help and make a fan happy at the same time.

13. What do you think of your fans?

A band without fans has no reason to exist. We appreciate each and every person that turns up when we perform. Then there is the inner circle, fans who become family, who know the songs, who sing along to the lyrics, and those who are always enquiring about new material. We just love them to bits and it's always a pleasure to stand before them and give them our very best.

14. What do you think of our site?

Sites like Breathing the Core help us spread our message and give us an opportunity to build bridges with new audiences. The site is awesome. I really liked the Behind the Tracks features, very original. Keep up the good work. Independent bands rely on your work to reach out. Thank you for featuring us and we are also grateful to WormHoleDeath for providing us with this opportunity. 

15. Something to add?

It’s never enough to emphasise that there is always hope. Stay strong and keep fighting. We wish to thank our loved ones for their incessant support, Hades Management, WormHoleDeath and many others who wish us well. This is an open invitation for anyone who feels damaged to check us out. Once again, thank you for this opportunity.

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