Track By Tracks: Spread Thin - World Of Snakes (2024)

About the album as a whole (LYRICALLY & MUSICALLY)


Angry, unpleasant, honest with memorable lines that the listener can relate to.


Equally fast and slow, aggressive and harsh with no filler.

Track by track (LYRICALLY)


1. So Much Hate:

People are quick to dislike or hate someone who might have been close to them. It might be a political difference or religion, but rather than talking through it and trying to understand different points of view, they jump to hate.

2. Factory Job:

Working in a factory sucks. It's very straining on your body, tedious, and downright cruel sometimes. You may end up working one for years and years until boom one day you get to retire. By that point, your body will more than likely be so worn out you don't get to enjoy life at that point. This song is just a venting session for anyone out there who has had it and is damn near at the point where sanity is getting hard to maintain.

3. Gaslit:

Nothing is more frustrating than watching someone you love struggle and when you try to help, it blows up in your face every time. They will constantly blame things wrong with them on everyone else and eventually, you just reach this point where you really start to believe you might be the problem. Cycle repeats.

4. Know what's bullshit?:

Routines suck, and most of the population gets locked in one and just repeats every day.

5. Unjustified:

Life is short, we don't need to make it worse for ourselves and everyone else. Don't be a bitch.

6. Friendly Deception:

When you've had someone close to you, who you trusted completely, ever fuck you over. This one's for you.

7. Nailed:

This one was written after the overturn of Roe V. Wade. I've been pretty dormant about the way I feel about religion for some time now. That, however, set me off. This song is mostly about Christianity but definitely is centered around all religions. How religion is the cause behind most upset in the world, not politics.

8. Moodswings:

Whether you are anxious, depressed, or stressed out, and you can no longer even find the strength to engage in conversation. Lashing out in anger at those who don't deserve it, feeling like nothing is getting better. It's hard for me to convey in words how I feel most of the time, so I tried to sum it up with Mood Swings.

9. Listen up!:

Our elders blaming us and younger generations for things they have caused is insane. Unfortunately, it's up to us to turn things around and try to truly make things better for us and future generations.

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