Album Descriptions: Onchocerciasis Esophagogastroduodenoscopy - The Fallen Lament (2024)

J: Start-to-finish, the album is dissonant, punishing, and disorientating. Many of the lyrical subjects are larger than life and the songs tell a story of a single entity, a “godslayer”, essentially, on a God of War-esque rampage through the universe, all veiled in obscurity. This character and his actions mirror the overall feeling of the album: cold, calculated, and violent.
P: Musically, the LP is definitely the most experimental OxEx to date. Inbetween the utter carnage of the main instrumentals are layers of synths and organic instrumentation that have gone through various level of sonic destruction to give the overall soundscape an alien feel. I was highly inspired by “Nithing - Agonal Hymns” of 2023 and the classic record “Dripping - Disintegration of Thought Patterns During A Synthetic Mind Traveling Bliss”.

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