Interviews About Albums: Indulgence - Grim Times (2024)

In this new interview, we sat down with the Dutch Thrash Metal band Indulgence to ask questions about their album, "Grim Times".

1. What inspired the title "Grim Times"?

Well, Grim Times is inspired to look at the world and what is going on today. War, fire, and other bad things are happening right now.

2. Can you tell us about the process of creating this album? How long did it take from start to finish?

The recording of the album and video clip took us about a year.

3. How does this album differ from your previous work?

I think it's not that different. We try to have some variation in the songs. I think the difference is in the sound of the band with a new guitar

4. What was it like working with Headbangers Records and Big Bad Wolf Records for this release?

It is fun to work with these guys.

It opened more possibilities for us as a band. They do a lot for the band.

5. How do you feel about the reception of the album so far?

It's very good received! From all over the world! The PR is doing a great job!

6. Thrash Metal often explores intense and aggressive themes. Can you elaborate on the themes explored in "Grim Times"?

Yes, there are different Subjects that make us filled with aggression.

7. What was the inspiration behind the track titles?

All kinds of things that inspire us. Like religion, the war what's going on in the world together with all the shit that comes along.

8. The album features a variety of track names like "A Texas Funeral" and "The Devil's Bargain". What is the significance of these titles?

We skipped this question

9. Can you discuss the story or concept that ties the album together?

No not really. It's just a Subject or feeling that made the album

10. How do the different tracks contribute to the overarching theme of the album?

Well, I think that the title Grim Times can come from any Subject on the album. From staying in Denail or Religion kills to nobody is Innocent
You get some Grim Times of that...

11. Can you describe your songwriting process for this album?

It's a process we do together as a band. Jack or James comes up with an idea or riff then we fill it all in together.

12. Were there any particular challenges you faced during the production?

It took a long time for this production. Our former bass player quit during the recording of the album so that was a challenge.

13. How did you approach the recording and production of the album to achieve the desired sound?

We did it all by ourselves in our rehearsal room. James recorded and Mixed it all by himself.

14. Which track was the most challenging to write and why?

That would be Acheron. The foundation was already made by our former guitar player.

And we had to rebuild it and the result is better.

15. Do you have a favorite track on the album? If so, why?

They are all great, but of Visions we made a video you can check on YouTube.

16. How did the members of Indulgence collaborate on this project?

We all did our part on this album.

17. Did any particular artists or bands influence the sound of this album?

There are bands like Slayer, Metallica, Peong, Maiden, and Testament that inspire us.

18. How do you balance individual creativity with the band’s collective vision?

It goes ok. Everyone has some input on the record.

19. Can you describe any unique techniques or instruments used in the album’s creation?

Farms and burps

20. How do you think your Dutch heritage influences your music?

I don't know....we just like loud music!!

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