Interviews About Albums: Solemn Ceremony - Chapter III (2024)

In this new interview, we sat down with the Australian Doom Metal solo project Solemn Ceremony to ask questions about his new album, "Chapter III".

1. What can you say about this new EP/CD?

Chapter III is the third Solemn Ceremony album. It's traditional doom metal with a hint of 80's heavy metal influenced by Pentagram, Saint Vitus, Cirith Ungol, Black Sabbath, and others. There are 7 songs recorded by myself (Phil Howlett) over the last year with Kieran Provis then adding lead guitar over the top to give it all a nice finish. Of the seven tracks two were originally written for Lucifer's Fall (Another Lie & Skull Smasher). After the end of Lucifer's Fall, I felt that both of these tracks were too good to waste so I decided to use them for Solemn Ceremony. Consequently, this album feels a little more heavy metal than the previous two. It's still doom though! It has some killer artwork from Adam Burke which was originally to be used by the now-ended Dire Fate. They kindly consented to let me use the artwork for this release.

2. What is the meaning of the EP/CD name?

I based the lyrics of the title track Chapter III on the album artwork. So it's essentially about growing old and the realization that your life and death are insignificant in the scheme of the universe. The title Chapter III refers to death, Chapter I is birth, and Chapter II is the journey of life. It also ties in with being the third Solemn Ceremony album.

3. Which one is the composer of the CD/EP?

I (Phil Howlett) composed all the music and lyrics except for the track Skull Smasher where the music was composed by Max Duncan and myself

4. If you had to pick one song, which one would you pick?

That kind of depends on my mood. I like them all pretty equally. I guess if I had to choose it would most likely be either The King Of Slaves or Another Lie.

5. Is there a special message in this EP/CD? If there is what is it?

There isn't really a special message apart from Praise DOOM! Aside from that, it's all pretty mixed subject matter. United by grimness I guess (haha)

6. Are there some lyrics that you'd love to share?

I guess as I've already spoken about it I should share the lyrics to the title track Chapter III

When it's time death comes to us so quickly
No sooner born than we die in pain
Life keeps the fear inside
As we fight our destiny, always to remain
Now you've reached the final chapter of your life
In a haze you fade away
Everything you've done will amount to nothing
On your dying day, It's your dying day
Time withers us so cruelly
Fleeting beauty fades away
Passing years take everything before them
Your life is just decay
On into the grave
Now you've reached the final chapter
The final chapter of your life
Was it worth all the struggle
Was it worth the fight

7. Which inspirations have been important for this album? Like musically or friends, family, someone you'd love to thank especially?

Influences I named earlier (Pentagram, Saint Vitus, Cirith Ungol, and Black Sabbath). Of course, I'd like to thank Kieran for his awesome as always lead guitar work which just adds so much to the songs. I'd like to thank all the people who have bought the limited edition CD or downloaded it so far and all those who have supported my musical endeavors in the past. Those people make all the effort worthwhile. Rafal Borsuk of Nine Records released the first two Solemn Ceremony albums and a couple of Lucifer's Fall releases. My Lucifer's Fall ex-bandmates and my Melbourne friends in Dire Fate, Zombie Hunger & Eldritch Rites. Last but definitely not least Eloise (my wife) and my two chocolate Labrador boys (Bruce and Hugo)

8. Something to add?

Buy this release or if not buy some other underground release and support the artists directly. It's bloody hard these days to get anyone interested in anything that isn't part of the mainstream. Also, check out my friends in Zombie Hunger (Ghastly zombified trad doom from Melbourne) and my ex-Lucifer's Fall bandmates in SharpShooter (Old school Speed Metal). If you're still reading you can also look up my other bands Caprahed (Doom, Punk, Prog, Blues.... whatever!) and Zlortcht (Celtic Frost Influenced Thrash). Thanks so much for the questions :)

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