Interviews: Cober Mouth

On this new occasion, we have had the opportunity to interview the Metalcore band Cober Mouth from the UK. Check out the interview and follow the band on their FACEBOOK PAGE.

1. Where did you get the idea for the band name, you planned it or did it just come out like that?

Adam: It’s a reference to the mouth of the River Cober, a body of water that flows beneath the town where Lewis, Dylan, and I grew up. We wanted to have something that represented us – we’ve already had a band with a random name. It’s all about change with this one!

2. Why did you want to play this genre?

Adam: For me personally, I’ve loved Nu Metal since I first heard Before I Forget by Slipknot at around age 8 years old. I immediately wanted my parents to buy me an electric guitar – which I still use to this day! As I grew up I got into metalcore, deathcore, hardcore, as well as orchestral and electronic music.

Sam: My dad would always be listening to like Linkin Park and Disturbed when I was growing up, and the first metal band I discovered by myself was Slipknot (I found All Hope is Gone in Woolworths when it came out and thought it looked cool) so I've always naturally gravitated to this kind of music.

Lewis: When I was younger I just used to play acoustic stuff, but when I got into Linkin Park I started wanting to be able to play metal music, and as time went on the music I listened to got heavier and heavier and so did what I wanted to play 

Dylan: After growing up around rock and grunge from day 1, I was introduced to metalcore as a teenager and was gripped. ‘Waking the Demon’ by Bullet for my Valentine intrigued me in my early drumming days and was the first song I experimented with playing with a double kick pedal. I then couldn’t get enough of trying to challenge myself with other metal and metalcore tracks.

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?

Adam: Lewis, myself, and Dylan attended Helston Community College together in Cornwall, and in 2014 myself and Dylan drafted Lewis into our first project together, Black Leaves of Envy. I met Sam at university and have played in a band with him before, but this is our first serious attempt at making music together.

4. Each band member's favorite band?

Adam: Paleface Swiss

Lewis: Sleep Token

Dylan: This fluctuates on the daily! Currently Thrown.

Sam: Tough question, it honestly depends on my mood, some of my faves are LOONA, Boards of Canada, and Vildhjarta.

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?

Adam: Life experiences and moods, I’m very spontaneous like that

Lewis: Past experiences and love for the genre, and also to test my own abilities 

Dylan: Hearing new project ideas from the other lads

Sam: When I hear music that does something/has elements I want to try and recreate usually leads me to write stuff. I recently went to see Ethel Cain and had been listening to her a lot lately, so I decided to try and write a goth rock/country kinda song.

6. Where was your last gig?

Adam: The Junction, Plymouth, the first time returning after we played our first show there! It was great to come back and see some familiar and new faces. Also great to see a line of people for merch!

7. Where would you like to play?

Adam: Top 3 Festivals: Download, Resurrection Fest, Blue Ridge

Lewis: I would love to do a live orchestra session at either the Abbey Road sessions or Royal Albert Hall

Dylan: I will die happy if the Download festival can be ticked off the list. Short term though, I would love to play a show in London.

Sam: Japan or Europe, I always hear lots of bands talk about how well looked after bands are for shows in both those places.

8. Who would you like to support?

Adam: Cane Hill, Employed To Serve, Polaris

Lewis: Make Them Suffer

Sam: Limp Bizkit or Code Orange would be cool

9. Who not?

Adam: Motley Crue – come on Vince, you had a good run...

Lewis: I dunno bts maybe

Dylan: Taylor Swift, can’t stand the hype

Sam: Pantera or Slaughter to Prevail

10. Have any of you ever suffered from stage fright? Any tip for beginners on how to beat that?

Adam: As long as the gear is working when we start, I let the nerves go pretty quick.

Lewis: Still get stage fright now, the only way I’ve found to properly deal with it is learn the songs to where they’re muscle memory so no matter how anxious and sweaty you are about playing in front of people you know exactly what you need to do, and also just wait for the adrenaline to take over

Dylan: Yes, most of the time. Best thing for me is to ride it out and get on stage. Once I’m up there, it disappears

Sam: I would get stage fright literally EVERY time I would play a gig, it was only when I started playing in my previous band (The Menstrual Cramps) about 3 years ago that I managed to get over this. We practiced weekly for about a year from when I joined until we played our first gig, and from then we were gigging most weekends. Gigging is such a unique scenario to place yourself in that there really is no way to replicate it, every venue is different, and each gig even at the same venue will be different, so all you can do is practice, practice, practice until you are confident in what your playing, and then get out there and gig!

11. What bands have inspired you the most?

Adam: Slipknot, Knocked Loose, Northlane

Lewis: Architects, Linkin Park, A Day to Remember, Bullet for my Valentine

Sam: Maybe Enter Shikari? I saw them for the first time in 2013 when they did a tour of small venues in little towns around the UK and they came and played at Princess Pavilions in Falmouth I'd never seen anything like it was honestly such an amazing show. Also maybe McFly as they're the reason I started learning bass 🤣 

12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?

Dylan: I signed a bald head before.

13. What do you think of your fans?

Adam: Loyal and lovely!

Lewis: Lovely people, always nice to have someone come up to you after a gig and say they’ve listened to you before

Dylan: Whoever takes the time to listen to our music, or come to a show has my full appreciation. It’s why I do it, and it means a hell of a lot knowing that our music can entertain and inspire people like it has for us.

Sam: I think they have great taste in music and I'm very excited to meet them! 

14. What do you think of our site?

Adam: It certainly is core and it does be breathing it. Always up for a core community!

15. Something to add?

Adam: Never throw water on a fat fire, it’ll take your face off

Dylan: I love boiled eggs

Sam: Stay hydrated! Especially at gigs and festival xx

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