Interviews: To Fight For

On this new occasion, we have had the opportunity to interview the Metalcore band To Fight For from the USA. Check out the interview and follow the band on their FACEBOOK PAGE.

1. Where did you get the idea for the band name, did you plan it or come out just like that?

Bobby: It was divinely inspired by events that had occurred through the previous band (We Are Victory) and through life circumstances. But it basically stands for standing up for what you believe in and doing all you can to persevere.

2. Why did you want to play this genre?

Bobby: Which genre, lol… we are kind of all over the place. I like to call it “Lifecore” or “Lifemetal” because it's about real-life struggle and what it means at the core of it all.

The heaviness of the music across the entire spectrum of subgenres of metal and the emotions lyrically of bands that came before us and inspired me at critical times in my life are the music and message I knew I wanted to do, with the rest of mine.

Brad: I've wanted to play metalcore ever since I saw As I Lay Dying at Taste of Chaos many years ago. When I discovered that genre, and on an even deeper level at live shows, I was mesmerized by the instrumentals. I also loved the power of screams in music and had never heard anything like it. I saw other people doing it professionally and decided this was what I wanted to do with my life, too.

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?

Bobby: Hal I knew from a previous band called We Are Victory and we met Brad through our ex-singer.

Brad: Hal and I have been Facebook friends for years, but never met in person. When I was connected to Bobby through We Are Victory's former vocalist, I was amazed to find the same Hal I knew from social media was the band's bassist. 🙂 I met Bobby through a video call, and shortly after I moved to Tennessee, we all decided to work together.

4. Each band member's favorite band?

Bobby: I don’t play favorites in literally anything. I don’t have a favorite color a favorite food or favorite guitarist, etc. It’s very eclectic but I would say the top three for me would be (each one for different reasons)... August Burns Red, For Today, The Ghost Inside

Brad: I'm a big listener of lots of modern metalcore like August Burns Red, Killswitch Engage, and Unearth, as well as classic metal like Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, and Testament. I also love many ambient artists like Steve Roach, Hammock, and Mathias Grassow and synth waves like Hello Meteor. The list goes on with artists like Overseer and Andy Hunter… I could go on, but I need to keep it to a few. :)

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?

Bobby: It is a process of divine intervention, to be honest. When it’s time to write it’s not something I have to sit down and think about. It just flows. And if it doesn’t flow, I stop and I don’t try to make it work. There is a time to write and there is a time to refrain.

Brad: As a drummer, the majority of bands I've played with have had one or two primary songwriters. I've added my drumming style to many bands I've been part of and have recorded with.

6. Where was your last gig?

Full band: Awaken Church

7. Where would you like to act?

Bobby: As in an actor? Never really gave that much thought or had a desire to be an actor. Music videos are pretty fun, and I think that’s about as much as I would do for acting. But in life, you never know. I guess if the opportunity presented itself, I would consider it.

Brad: I haven’t considered being an actor, but I do write books and occasionally consider film work. Haven’t gotten that far yet though, the band keeps me busy!

8. Whom would you like to feature with?

Bobby: Vocally: The Ghost Inside, HolyName, August Burns Red
Guitar: August Burns Red, Dragonforce, Polyphia

Brad: Any genre-similar band that's up for a sick collab 🙂

9. Whom not?

Bobby: I would say probably anything rap

Brad: N/A

10. Have any of you ever suffered from stage fright? 

Bobby: Not really stage fright, per se more of a frustration through technical difficulties. Of course, I’m sure there will be times on bigger stages, and events where those sorts of things will try to happen but basically through relaxation, prayer, and preparation. Those things can be avoided.

Brad: When I played my first few shows in high school, I was pretty nervous. It wore off soon after as I learned to be comfortable on stage and simply embrace the moment. It’s way more fun once you let it happen!

11. Any tips for beginners on how to beat that?

Bobby: I would say the number one thing is to be prepared. Know your parts, have no question or doubt in them, and have them completely locked into muscle memory whether you are playing or you’re singing (or especially when doing both) whatever it is it so much that you could do it in your sleep, and then when you hit that stage, you’re prepared and you’re not thinking about what could go wrong.

Brad: Agreed with Bobby; overprepare for everything you do, and you’re less likely to feel like something will go wrong. Remember that to 99% of people, most sounds come across as music, even if it was a mistake. Be yourself and have fun with it. No one cares, and that’s a good thing! :)

12. What bands have inspired you the most?

Bobby: Without a doubt FOR TODAY. There have been many other bands along the way as well, but that one sticks out to me because of what they did within the scene, something that has not been copied since. Uniting both Christians and non-Christians alike through music and their message.

Brad: I’m all over the map on this one. Bands like As I Lay Dying and Living Sacrifice got me into metal, whereas bands like Stick to Your Guns and The Ghost Inside have written some of my favorite lyrics. I love bands like Sleeping Giant and For Today for their faith and also bands like Decapitated and Meshuggah for pretty much inventing their own subgenres and inspiring countless others.

13. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?

Bobby: Never really had anybody ask for something weird. However, I have had plenty of weird conversations though.

Brad: One time, a fan of one of my old bands allegedly grabbed our singer’s butt. Pretty weird stuff. Not an ask, but yeah… strange.

14. What do you think of your fans?

Bobby: Our fans and anybody who supports our music are the reason that we do this aside from our callings in life. But the words in the message we put forward are for them and for people who would hear it for the first time. We love each and every one of them and hope to affect their lives in a positive way and hope to inspire them to truth and help them on their own paths.

Brad: We love our fans and they’re some of the most encouraging people in the world! We’re grateful to be playing music for fans and newcomers alike and count ourselves blessed to be able to share our God-given gifts with the world.

15. What do you think of our site?

Bobby: Totally love your site and anything that supports the scene; need more things like it to spread unity and common interest.

Brad: I’ve been a Breathing the Core fan for years now! Thank you guys for doing what you do. One of the aspects I love most is the diversity of coverage. Keep up the good work.

16. Something to add?

Bobby: Thank you for the support and love! You were created on purpose for a purpose. Find it!

Brad: Thanks for having us! We’re grateful for what you do and trust your coverage will find many more readers in the years to come.

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