Interviews: Victoria Lies

On this new occasion, we have had the opportunity to interview the Metalcore band Victoria Lies from Canada. Check out the interview and follow the band on their FACEBOOK PAGE.

1. Where did you get the idea for the band name, you plan it or come out just like that?

Jay: Oh man, we went back and forth on a new name for months! Finally, we settled on Victoria Lies. We really liked the sound of the name and began thinking about how we could create the character of Victoria. She’s someone who lies, but in a way to survive. A misunderstood antihero perhaps. We imagined a 1920s noir feel with her character initially, but are excited about exploring more iterations of her character.

2. Why did you want to play this genre?

Rory: To me, Metalcore is such a beautiful blend of melody, aggressive rhythms, and freedom to do anything. You’re free to add whatever elements you like.

Jay: I’d like to second what Rory said. Metalcore feels way less confined than other heavier genres, giving us the freedom and tools we can use to explore all facets of metal.

Chris: I like all varieties of music genres, and with Metalcore we can get away with a lot of variations of different styles and can just experiment and push expectations.

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?

Myself (Rory), Chris, Jay, and Brett all knew each other from our former project From The Flame. I had been talking with Nick for about a year before we asked him to come try out for Victoria Lies.

4. Each band member's favorite band?

Rory: Plini

Chris: Opeth

Nick: In Flames

Jay: This is impossible to answer! I’d say lately I keep going back to Dance Gavin Dance.

Brett: Bad Omens

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?

Jay: For me, it’s all about the feeling. When I listen to a song, the absolute first thing I do is feel the music. What does it make me think about, what emotions does it illicit? Then, I try to think about an emotion I’ve felt before and try to express it through the music I create.

6. Where was your last gig?

Our last gig was at the Rec Room in Calgary for The Decimate Metal Festival fundraiser. It was an exceptional show! Really nothing quite like the energy of a hometown crowd.

7. Where would you like to act?

Jay: Wacken Open Air would be a dream come true!

Chris: Local show opening for a touring band in a venue like the Grey Eagle, or the Palace Theatre. Outside of that, 10,000 tonnes of Metal.

Rory: The Download Festival would be a childhood dream come true

8. Whom would you like to feature with?

Jay: I would absolutely lose my mind if we ever got the chance to play with Axty or Shrezzers!

Chris: Animals as Leaders, Opeth, Mastodon, or Devin Townsend

9. Whom not?

Jay: I don’t think there’s an artist we would say no to playing with.

Rory: I think every artist has something unique to offer

10. Have any of you ever suffered from stage fright? Any tips for beginners on how to beat that?

Jay: EVERY SINGLE TIME! I’ve been playing live shows for nearly 17 years and there is always this nervous/excited feeling I get every time I take the stage. The best advice is to practice how you want the show to go, but accept that it may not. Be prepared and let your muscles take over. AND HAVE FUN!

Chris: I echo what Jay says, personally I have anxiety And I'm also nervous before playing live, but as long as I've practiced the shit out of our set, once I get on stage and start into the first song that nervous energy turns into excited adrenaline and after that, I try to just lose myself in the music and the energy of the crowd.

11. What bands have inspired you the most?

I’d say for our sound, we all take a bit of our own background and put it into our sound. Brett, our singer, is a punk guy who loves his AFI. Rory (guitarist) is a Plini/Architects/ Animals as Leaders guy who thrives off technicality. Chris (guitarist) is a thrasher and proghead who would take a 20-minute solo in a nonlinear song if we didn’t shut off his amp. Nick (drummer) loves anything with a solid groove and can play anything. Jay (bass) will sneak in Primus slaps and pops if you’re not watching him closely.

12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?

Oh man…. so far we haven’t had any crazy requests yet haha. I’m down to give someone a sock or a sweatband though.

13. What do you think of your fans?

LOVE THEM. Absolutely love them! They are the most kind, encouraging people on the planet and we can’t exist without them.

14. What do you think of our site?

Exceptional! Love the design and we are proud to be featured!

15. Something to add?


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