Interviews: Webb Of Deceit

On this new occasion, we have had the opportunity to interview the Thrash Metal/Black Metal/Death Metal/ solo project Webb Of Deceit from the USA. Check out the interview and this amazing solo project.

1. Where did you get the idea for the band name, you plan it or come out just like that?

To me, it's an art piece..... Has more than one last name is Webb and the lyrics are to enhance the corrupt leadership of the world ....humanity is always stuck in a webb of deceit.

2. Why did you want to play this genre?

I've always loved metal from my youth. I grew up with it. And will never outgrow it 

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?

I started Webb of Deceit as a solo venture .... Through Metal Devastation Music Fest and M.D.R Network... I met some amazing musicians

4. Each band member's favorite band?

Black Sabbath

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?

It's in my bloodline

6. Where was your last gig?

Ft Walton Beach FL..... Previous band

7. Where would you like to act?

Anywhere overseas

8. Whom would you like to feature with?


9. Have any of you ever suffered from stage fright? Any tips for beginners on how to beat that?

No...fear is non-existent.....take control of yourself and shine.

10. What bands have inspired you the most?

Black Sabbath Venom, Slayer, Iron Maiden. Neverreborn, Hypocrisy, Entombed, so many to mention.

11. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?

I don't have fans...I'm everybody's fan

12. What do you think of your fans?

I love my metal brethren

13. What do you think of our site?

It's awesome

14. Something to add?

Pure metal

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