Track By Tracks: Battlefront - Among The Corpses (2024)

1. Lips Of Blood:

Lips of Blood is a song about a vampire thirsty for sucking blood from a willing victim who is not only willing to give their blood to the vampire, but also feeling pleasure to do so.

It's one of those silly songs that we write every now and then just to have fun.
It's based on D minor harmonic and features solos by Haze and Fearr respectively.

The bass part is, as in every song in the EP, serving the purpose to connect the aggression of big fat metal guitars, with the groove aspect of music, and make, alongside the drums, a rhythmic part that can be listenable under the heavy riffing.

2. Mirror Mirror:

Mirror is the first song that Haze brought to the table after his arrival in Battlefront, with a more hard rock approach and challenging us to think outside our comfort zone, which resulted in a great heavy song.

Lyric-wise, Mirror is about self-loathing. That feeling that one's self is sometimes against us, making us feel as not worthy or as if we could be better.

This song is in C minor and also features solos by Fearr and Haze respectively.

This time the bass had an approach based on prog rock, striving to feel virtuoso but be melodic as well, looking for the Sheehan-Gilbert harmonies, bringing showmanship to the song.

3. Built For War:

Built for War started from the other face of Mirror, which is self-inspiring, but as the song developed it turned out to be the story of the youth wasted dying for the beliefs of someone else, even when they disagree or don't commune with said beliefs. This one we think is our easiest song to play, since it's in E minor all the way and basically the same chords throughout the song. This one features a solo by James, which he didn't do as much in this release compared to the last one "Vengeance".

4. Among the Corpses:

Among the Corpses is Fearr's contribution since we were looking for a title for the EP and he came up with the phrase "Walking among the Corpses", which we thought was a great title… for a song. It sounded so heavy and brutal, that it needed to be a ballad, just to toy with the listener's expectations, but it developed as a clean intro that turns heavy halfway through. Later we decided that it should be the title for the EP, marking the end of an old Battlefront, and the birth of a new one.

Lyrics in Among are about the denial and acceptance of death, all within five minutes. Thus starting out as someone who regrets wasting so much time, and then describing everything they see as they walk in the tunnel to the soothing light at the end, which, when reached, brings peace to the walker, simply letting their-self go, letting the music do the talking at the end. This song is also in E minor, but swaying through three different stages, as mentioned earlier. It fades out simply because no one knows what's after the moment of dying.

5. Widow Maker:

Widow is a bonus song we wrote for the release of the EP with Sliptrick Records. This one's about a femme fatale, luring men into her home, taking what she wants from them, and finishing them afterward.

Musically speaking we took it as a challenge to write under a defined limit of time but tried to keep it Battlefront, and pushing ourselves to new grounds for songwriting.

Based around D minor, it's the only studio-released song that features solos from all three guitarists in Battlefront.

6. Heroes of the Fire (Live):

Heroes has been the song that has led us to where we are now and it has been with us every step of the way, since even before Battlefront was even created, this song was the fuel that kept our hearts going. It has opened every show we have ever played, preparing the audience for what's to come. Fueled by wrath and revenge, Heroes marks the start of every sacrifice with fast aggressive riffs, thunderous drums, and heavy lyrics. So, as an homage to its longevity, we chose to show the world what it's like to be in the audience witnessing the beginning of a Battlefront show.

7. Mirror Mirror (Live):

As stated before, Mirror marked a before and after for Battlefront musically, but also in style and in lyric content. It's, most of the time, featured after heroes in the set, due to its energetic feel and speed. It helps us continue with the energy of the live show after the first punch.

8. Scream in the Night (Live):

Monster was going to be the last song featured, but while listening to the live recordings we thought that Scream had to be one of the songs in the maxi-EP. We felt the energy through the speakers and wanted to share it with you.

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