Track By Tracks: Painted Scars - Kintsugi (2024)

1. Glow in the Dark:

Glow in the Dark is a song that is all about trying to find a way to find the energy and mindset to feel good again when you are experiencing a dark period or an off day in your life.

Even a dark night can become beautiful because of the glowing stars in the sky.

The idea is that negativity is a feeling you experience within yourself. If you can find the strength within yourself to see the positive side, the light so to speak, the darkness will fade away.

It is not a bad day or bad experiences themselves that make you feel bad, it is how your mind frames these experiences.

2. Won't Give Up:

This song is about not giving up on your dreams and aspirations when other people are putting you down or when it seems like what you want is impossible. It originally came about through the chorus that was being written by Jassy Blue. She was trying to come up with lyrics to the chorus when the song gave her a feeling that reminded her of hope, of never giving up. This brought her back to her history with Cystic Fibrosis when it seemed like things weren't going too well physically. In the end, the song became a more general reference to not giving up.

3. Knock Knock:

Knock Knock is a song that's about the different emotions a person can experience, specifically emotions that are hard to control and that are unwanted at times. The idea is that the mind of a person is like a house and that sometimes emotions can come knocking at the door unexpectedly. Specifically, this song reflects Jassy Blue's experience, where she doesn't know what emotion to expect or even which emotion she should "let in".

All of a sudden anger might show up uninvited, at a time when it is not wanted, for example.

She doesn't always know which emotion is the right choice for a certain situation.
By framing it like this, she makes it more manageable as it is being framed in a light-hearted and fun way.

4. Liquid Gold:

Liquid Gold is the "Odd duck" of the EP, as it is the only song that isn't about emotions.

It does, however, find its way into the EP as part of the "Try to keep a positive outlook in life" vibe the EP is trying to bring.

The song is all about letting loose every now and then, being carefree, and going out with friends to have fun.

The title "Liquid Gold", is a reference to beer. While beer is not required to party, it is a part of who we are when we go out.

We are from Belgium which, as everyone knows, has the best beer in the world. It would be a shame not to enjoy having one every now and then.

5. Freedom:

This song is all about not letting other people's emotions or drama affect you. Often, people will try to pull you into a negative situation by carefully (or directly) affecting your surroundings or your emotional state. While conflict can be necessary to resolve situations, people will often create conflict or drama without a clear resolution in mind.

It is this kind of conflict we choose to avoid.

Conflict that has no resolution in mind for both parties, but is simply being done to inflict harm can be avoided by not participating or engaging.

The "Freedom" that is being talked about, is the Freedom you create for yourself by breaking free from a cycle of negativity towards each other.

6. Life and alive (bonus track):

This song is actually the first single we released last year, but we decided to put it on the EP as well, as a bonus track for the people who buy the EP.

The song is about how life would not be the same if there were no evil or there were no negative experiences.

The positive experience or even goodness in itself can not exist without its negative counterpart.

Additionally, it asks questions about why people seem to be drawn to evil, or at least stories about evil.

We seem to be fascinated by it in our stories of fiction. Even in our daily life, the media seems to be drawn to negative stories, as this is what most people tend to read.

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