Interviews About Albums: INSURRECTION - Obsolescence (2024)
In this new interview, we sat down with the Canadian Death Metal band INSURRECTION to ask questions about their album, "Obsolescence".
1. What can you say about this new EP/CD?
The new record is something that we've been working on for a long time, and something that we're extremely excited to share with everyone. It's fun, it's heavy, and it grooves. It's what people expect from Insurrection, while also offering something new.
2. What is the meaning of the EP/CD name?
The album is called "Obsolescence", so as the name would suggest, the album is all about the process of becoming obsolete: outdated, out of use. Expired. It works as a perfect "overarching" title, as the songs cover a wide range of topics from robotic uprisings to elitism and demagogy.
Like all of the band's albums, it works in both English and French, which is very important to us.
3. Which one is the composer of the CD/EP?
Everyone in the band brings ideas to the table and then it sort of gets mashed into the patented "Insurrection" sound. The band has been around for over 20 years so there's a certain template or idea we start with, but we also add in new ideas all the time.
For my own part, this is my first time recording with the band, so I'm bringing a bit of my own style to the table, while also trying to channel Phil, who had recorded all the previous records, and was an absolute beast of a drummer (in addition to a great guy).
4. If you had to pick one song, which one would you pick?
The first song on the record is called "The Gathering" and it's absolutely crushing. I love all the songs, but this one comes to mind as just a ton of fun, It's also crushingly heavy live. We recorded a music video for it at an awesome local metal bar called The Koven, as well as a friend's studio, LoQuin Production Studios, and again just had a ton of fun.
5. Is there a special message in this EP/CD? If there is what it is?
The upfront message is to just have fun. The lyrics themselves touch on both social and political issues, but I wouldn't say that we're a band that shows up to push a specific message, though one is there if people want to look for it.
At the end of the day, we want people to put this on and smile. If you want to bang your head, great. If you want to air drum, hell yes. However you want to show it, we just hope people have fun when they listen to this.
6. Are there some lyrics that you'd love to share?
Sure - I'll share the lyrics for "The Gathering" since I talked about it above. The song itself is about the acceptance people find at metal shows, and within the metal community itself, though it's written in a dark and ritualistic way because we're a metal band, and that's what we do.
The Gathering
We call forth the darkness, the damned and the soulless
This dark faith we profess, carpe noctem
We grant the lost access; the wretched and the helpless
We pray for the possessed; carpe noctem
All hail the reckoning, all join the gathering
All hail awakening, all join the gathering
We judge not the nameless; sanctum from the distress
This gospel we profess, carpe noctem
We condemn the blessed; come forth the oppressed
This heresy confessed, carpe noctem, carpe noctem
Bless the disgraced: fallen angels come
We gather today, send none away, let the ghoulish come
We elude the day, crawling astray, execrated scum
We are without worth, branded at birth; an animal
We shall walk the earth, spread and subvert; anathema
Bastardized, vilified and denied. victimized, cast aside, unified
We will not repent, never relent. This is our church
We shall breed dissent, cursed and hellbent. Free.
This is our salvation
Join the Gathering: unholy catharsis
Join the Gathering: embrace the impure
Damnation is the cure, we shall praise the obscure
Join the Gathering: profane reckoning
Apocryphal dignity, the church of calumny
Join the Gathering: our awakening
The odd, the poor, the free - accursed trinity
7. Which inspirations have been important for this album? Like musically or friends, family, someone you'd love to thank especially?
I think the biggest inspiration for this record was just the desire to make music. For my own part, I joined the band not long before the pandemic started, and they were just starting to put ideas together and dig through the riff bank. Then the lockdowns started and, like a lot of musicians, we wound up sending files back and forth and slowly putting things together. We wanted to of course jam songs out and have a chance to work ideas out live, so it took a long time to complete, but we're really happy with the end results.
In terms of people to thank, there are so many. We couldn't have done this without Joe Moon from Dark Moon Productions, who did a phenomenal job mixing and mastering everything, as well as tracking drums and vocals. The guys at Bam & Co Heavy have also been amazing, and we're looking forward to putting this record out with them and getting it into people's hands.
8. Something to add?
Thanks so much for taking the time to do this interview, and to anyone who's read this far, thank you! Hopefully, people enjoy listening to the record as much as we had writing and recording it. Check our socials to see if we'll be in a town near you soon!
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