Interviews: Prisoner
On this new occasion, we have had the opportunity to interview the Heavy Metal band Prisoner from Canada. Check out the interview and follow the band on their FACEBOOK PAGE.
1. Where did you get the idea for the band name, you plan it or come out just like that?
Murray: The name stems from our debut single “Prisoner of Time”. We shortened it to just Prisoner, and the name has some conceptual context. The idea is that we are all prisoners of something, whether it's a job, physical limitation, or the concept of time itself. It is something we can all relate to in our daily lives. Music is also a form of escape for people, and it makes you happy. So the name is kind of a paradox where you can get away from the things that restrict you and just enjoy music.
2. Why did you want to play this genre?
Murray: This is the genre of music I grew up listening to and became obsessed with. Heavy metal isn't like other genres. It is a lifestyle that you commit to in how you dress, decorate, act, and of course the music you listen to. This was entirely me growing up around hard rock and heavy metal. Once I picked up the guitar I didn't want to do anything else. I was learning Black Sabbath, AC/DC, Thin Lizzy, and Judas Priest tunes. I don't think anyone picks up a guitar and says they want to be like Drake. I think the best thing about metal music is it has aspects of every genre tied into it with more speed, distortion, and aggression. You can have a background in any style but it will apply to heavy music, and vice versa.
3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?
Murray: We knew of each other from friends, and I got to meet Trevor running sound for his band at a show before he joined. Karl, our drummer, went to high school with Trevor and they were in the same school band. Trevor suggested Karl as our new drummer when the slot was open and it worked seamlessly. It was great as they had already had previous playing experience together, and the chemistry showed. Jeremy joined last from a friend's recommendation. I ended up meeting him and we immediately hit it off as guitar players. We then became fast friends and this is the current Prisoner line-up.
4. Each band member's favorite band?
Murray: Megadeth
Karl: Polyphia
Trevor: Primus
Jeremy: Monuments
5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?
As of late, I feel like we have been inspired by each other. With this EP release, we have put new life into the band and we are having the most fun making music we have ever had. As musicians, we are constantly pushing ourselves to develop our skills. Yet when you have the privilege of playing with such talented people, it inspires you to do even more on your own time so when we get together we are constantly progressing as a unit. In regards to songwriting, we have been inspired by a lot of visual art and film, as well as interpersonal relationships with people around us. Of course, our emotion comes through in our playing, but lyrically Murray always comments on a topic or tries to develop a story within a song. He does it in a way that allows for personal interpretation to build a connection with the music.
6. Where was your last gig?
Our last gig was a gig in Edmonton, Alberta Canada. We are planning a multitude of shows in Western Canada to promote our latest EP release in the fall of this year.
7. Where would you like to act?
Murray: We would one day love to travel to South America to perform and showcase our band. When metal bands travel there they tend to do very well and the fans are some of the best in the world. If they like you, they are die-hard fans til the end. Every band has a comment on a social media post saying “Come to Brazil”. We would love to do that one day.
8. Whom would you like to feature with?
Murray: We would love to feature with anyone who would have us. I feel like getting to meet other artists is a great opportunity to learn and grow as a musician, performer, and person. I would love to work with Dave Mustaine, Marty Friedman, Rob Halford, or Intervals to name a few.
9. Any of you has ever suffered from stage fright? Any tip for beginners on how to beat that?
Murray: As a guitarist, I don't have that issue. On the other hand, when I became a singer I was terrified. It suddenly became much more personal and it freaked me out a bit. The best thing I could do was just go up and do it and do the best I could. I also became a singer on short notice so my only option was to do just that. With time and professional voice coaching, I have developed into a confident vocalist. I still get nervous right before I go on, but as soon as the first song hits I'm comfortable again. It also helps when you and your band have a pre-show pep talk to play your best and give the best performance you possibly can. You can strive for perfection but if it doesn't happen and you do your job and entertain the audience, then all is well. The best thing about having a band is that you can lean on each other and pull each other through tough situations as well. You aren’t alone on stage and they have your back no matter what.
10. What bands have inspired you the most?
Murray: Prisoner is your all-around hard rock/metal band. We bring the nostalgia of your classic and traditional rock and metal bands, all while being influenced by modern metal to create a fresh take on metal music without being a carbon copy of legacy acts. We are riff-driven like Black Sabbath, you can tap your toe to all of our music like AC/DC, and we have the complexity, speed, and structure of thrash bands like Megadeth. We push the mold of a traditional band and write music that fits under the scope of Prisoner, without limiting ourselves to a specific subgenre of rock or metal. Regarding our favorite artists, we like those bands above, but we also enjoy various artists in the modern era like Monuments, Polyphia, Black Veil Brides, Motionless in White, and Primus among countless others.
11. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?
Murray: We finished a show and I was standing at the merch table. She came up and asked if I had a girlfriend. At the time I did, so I replied yes. She then asked if she could make out with me anyway. When I said no, she just looked over at the next guy and asked the same question. She ended up getting some hugs and bought a T-shirt!
12. What do you think of your fans?
Our fans are the best in the world, and the amount of relentless support we have had since the beginning has been incredible. We would not be able to do what we do without them. If we don't have fans, we are just four guys with great hair-holding instruments. We owe all of our success to the support of people who listen to our music and spend their hard-earned money supporting us through merch and coming to shows.
13. What do you think of our site?
Murray: I think your site is awesome. There is a ton of information on bands where you go into detail about not only the music but the artwork as well. The time and effort spent to showcase artists and their craft means a lot to me and the guys in Prisoner. We appreciate the opportunity to be a part of your website and be featured on it.
14. Something to add?
We would just like to thank you one more time, as well as Jon from Asher Media Relations and our friends and family for their support.
Single - On a Sunday -
Single - Skies are Blackened -
Spotify -
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