On this new occasion, we have had the opportunity to interview the Heavy Metal band SILK SPINSTER from the UK. Check out the interview and follow the band on their FACEBOOK PAGE.

1. Where did you get the idea for the band name, you plan it or come out just like that?

Kye “KYRANTULA” Coulson (Vocals): I’m the only member who was in the band when it was named so I guess I’ll take this one. The band name was a tricky thing to pin down at first. We knew we wanted to go with something spider-themed. In our home city, there are a few different places and establishments named after spiders and we wanted to sort of tie ourselves into that.

We also initially wanted to be a Glam Rock group so there was an influence there too. We came up with SILK SPINSTER and then the idea of our mascot Spinnerette. This was a love letter to other great metal mascots such as Iron Maiden’s Eddie The Head and we wanted to have large theatrical shows. We felt the name suited us and it stuck. The band has changed a lot since then and the name has come to have a new meaning for us. But overall, we keep it because it’s unique. There’s only one SILK SPINSTER

Tom “RIFF LORD” Nolan (Guitar): Like most things made by men, it was not planned.

2. Why did you want to play this genre?

Kye “KYRANTULA” Coulson (Vocals): Speaking for myself, I was brought up on the greats of heavy metal, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, DIO, Sabbath, Megadeth, Def Leppard, Pantera, etc. As I got older my love for metal only grew and when I was 15 I went to Download Festival 2013 at that moment I was set on being in a metal band. Metal has always been a major part of my life; vocally, I admire and take after Rob Halford and Bruce Dickinson. But some of the other bands who really inspire me are Type O Negative, Korn, and Slipknot. That being said, there are some amazing - lesser-known - bands like Faetooth who blow me away and make me want to make better and better music in the genre.

Tom “RIFF LORD” Nolan (Guitar): It appeals to the older generation which saves us from scandals, unlike certain other bands.

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?

Tom “RIFF LORD” Nolan (Guitar): Only Mr Sinzz. He’s my go-to guy when there’s a bass slot open. And in one case where there wasn't.

Will “SINZZ” Styan (Bass): Tom who?

Kye “KYRANTULA” Coulson (Vocals): The short answer: is no. I’m the only ‘original’ member now; though and I class our current lineup as the definitive SILK SPINSTER lineup. I met Tom (guitar) first. I put out an ad for a guitarist and he answered. He made a deal with me that I would join his band as a vocalist and in return he would join my band on guitar. I accepted. We would play in both bands for some time before both leaving to focus on SPINSTER entirely. During this time, SPINSTER’s original bassist was let go and we needed another. Tom knew the guy for the job and that’s how I met Will.

Will sent in his audition tape and then came down for an in-person meeting and audition and it just worked. Tom and Will had been in two bands together before this - though they hadn’t seen each other for some time before the audition. Soon after this, our drummer left and it would be around 2 years before we got a new drummer. As such, most of our early work was written without drums; though this did give us time to get to know each other and become good friends.

Eventually, we got a drummer but it didn't really work out and by chance at one of our shows I saw one of my old art teachers from school in the crowd. I went and spoke to him and he said his son was playing at the same event with his band. I saw his set and I was blown away by how good of a drummer his son was. That is how I met James. Jame’s band played with us on a few occasions after that and when our drummer left I knew exactly who to offer the job to. Since then the lineup has been set in stone and we have gone from strength to strength.

4. Each band member's favorite band?

James “THE BOY” Rokyckyj (Drums): it's impossible for me to think of one favorite band. But some of my all-time favorites are Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, System of a Down, and Disturbed.

Kye “KYRANTULA” Coulson (Vocals): Iron Maiden or Judas Priest please don’t make me choose.

Tom “RIFF LORD” Nolan (Guitar): If I don’t say Sabaton my boyfriend will call me a liar and jab me in the ribs. I guess if it was all I had, I wouldn’t go insane. And might actually learn the lyrics. I don’t really pay attention to those. Just the timbre of their voice, and he’s certainly got some timbre on him.

Will “SINZZ” Styan (Bass): I loved the Crüe, back in their heyday!

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?

Kye “KYRANTULA” Coulson (Vocals): For me, it’s usually real-life experiences that I write about. We have some songs that are works of fiction, tall tales of fantasy, sci-fi, horror, and history which are personal interests of mine, hell I have a master's Degree in History. But by and large - if I write a song - it's probably about something real. Usually something that I want to express but I don’t know how so I do it through lyricism. The lads have a joke that all I write about is ‘love and loss’ and ‘heartbreak’ and I can’t really argue with that. I got a whole album’s worth of tracks from difficult and heart-wrenching moments in my life so I suppose it’s productive at the very least. It’s a balancing act between writing songs that are catchy and cool - and writing something that’s meaningful. As a vocalist, having an emotional investment in what you’re singing is very important to me. There is, of course, an element of emulation as well. I want to write songs like the greats of Heavy Metal and to write something comparable to my heroes.

Will “SINZZ” Styan (Bass): Usually there’s some kind of story to tell whether it’s real-life stuff, trying to make it as a band, or more fantastical tales based on history or fiction kind of like Iron Maiden. If something comes to mind it hits a page, and then probably the fridge, I’m the bassist after all.

Tom “RIFF LORD” Nolan (Guitar): We have to or else no one will listen to my cool riffs. My inspiration is generally wanting to write a song like another artist or a song with a certain dynamic, like a big phat doom metal breakdown or maybe a chaotic thrashy mess or maybe that’s the whole song. I guess the big inspiration is just ‘What if this happened next?’

I don’t really think about the concept of the song. I listen back to whatever just came out of me and decide: what story does this tell? How should this end? Sometimes with a delete.

For me, it’s about letting out my emotions. Sometimes I just want to sit down wrap my hands around something and bash away until it screams for hours till I feel yeah this is my jam then stick a recording if any on a private encrypted chat.

Nothing has inspired my songwriting ability more than working with absolute idiots. I just wanted to write riffs, but no, now I have to protect them from idiocracy by guarding them in a structure with interlocking parts. Remove riff A what are you going to put there that fits now??HA!

6. Where was your last gig?

Will “SINZZ” Styan (Bass): We played a couple of events for some Motorcycle clubs, and the MT Heads gave us a very warm welcome! It was a joy to perform for them, more to come!

Kye “KYRANTULA” Coulson (Vocals): Our last show was a biker rally, we did two in a row. The MT Head’s biker rally was immense and we were shown a very warm welcome. I really enjoyed playing for them and I can’t wait to do the same again in the future.

Tom “RIFF LORD” Nolan (Guitar): It was in a field, on a hot summer's day that twatted you in the face and nostrils as soon as you got out of the car.

7. Where would you like to act?

Tom “RIFF LORD” Nolan (Guitar): Anywhere with a dressing room that shit was top-notch.

Kye “KYRANTULA” Coulson (Vocals): Download Festival would be the main one for me purely due to the sentimental value it has. It was where it all started for me as a 15-year-old lad. From that moment I wanted to be in a band. So to play there, in any capacity, would be a bucket list event for me. That being said, any festival would be great because I love playing festivals. Bloodstock is another event I would kill to play at. Tom has a point though: we do love having a proper dressing room. Have you ever tried putting on a suit of armor in a car or in a toilet cubicle? It’s not fun - though we do have it down to fine art at this point.

Will “SINZZ” Styan (Bass): Download Festival for me would be the one to play! We have played at Corporation at Sheffield supporting VICTORIUS before but I’d love to be able to go back there as I’ve seen a few bands rock the stage.

8. Whom would you like to feature with?

James “THE BOY” Rokyckyj (Drums): Supporting Skindred would be awesome and a dream come true for us as I feel our styles would gel really well.

Will “SINZZ” Styan (Bass): Anybody who puts some theatrical flair into their performances would be an ideal support slot, someone like Alice Cooper or Ghost.

Kye “KYRANTULA” Coulson (Vocals): Any and all of the bands of which I’m a fan. Maiden and Priest are no-brainers for me but there are plenty more who I think we would suit either musically, thematically, or energetically such as Skindred, Slipknot, Bullet For My Valentine, Hanabie, Korn, Rammstein, Ghost, or even Limp Bizkit. Honestly, I think we’re ‘out there’ and ‘weird’ enough to fit in with a variety of lineups 

Tom “RIFF LORD” Nolan (Guitar): My wife and kids.

9. Whom not?

Kye “KYRANTULA” Coulson (Vocals): I’ll support anyone so long as you’re nice people and not morally bankrupt.

Will “SINZZ” Styan (Bass): I would be closed-minded to shut out possibilities of supporting any act, there’s loads of great artists in different genres, and more crossovers in the music scenes would be amazing.

James “THE BOY” Rokyckyj (Drums): Probably someone likes MCR as their music isn't my cup of tea.

Tom “RIFF LORD” Nolan (Guitar): My ex-wife and kids.

10. Any of you has ever suffered from stage fright? Any tip for beginners on how to beat that?

Will “SINZZ” Styan (Bass): I always get jitters for major shows, I’ve never shaken that feeling, my advice would be; just have fun with it.

Tom “RIFF LORD” Nolan (Guitar): Always bring a mirror, take a good look at yourself and think “Yasss, Queen!

James “THE BOY” Rokyckyj (Drums): Yes I suffered from a lot of stage fright in the past. My advice would be just try to have fun with it and do your best. I've found my adrenaline always seems to help push me along when I play.

Kye “KYRANTULA” Coulson (Vocals): I used to have really bad stage fright, but nowadays less so. That being said, when I started making music in 2019 I wouldn’t even sing in front of my own band mates so I get it. My advice would be to use the anxiety you feel as fuel. Y’know that feeling you get to ‘run away’? Well, why not run across the stage instead? Use it in your show somehow. Also, in my experience, stage fright is only a thing BEFORE you go on stage, like a form of anticipation. So once you hit the stage and start performing - it’ll disappear. So don't worry.

11. What bands have inspired you the most?

James “THE BOY” Rokyckyj (Drums): I take inspiration from a lot of different bands when it comes to my costume you can see elements of Slipknot and Mad Max whereas for my playing style, I'd say I take a lot of inspiration from drummers such as Scott Travis, Joey Jordison, and Gee Anzalone.

Will “SINZZ” Styan (Bass): Personally, for me Iron Maiden, Motley Crüe, and Alice Cooper.

Kye “KYRANTULA” Coulson (Vocals): All my favorites listed previously. I can’t tell you how many hours I have spent singing their songs and learning the craft of the great vocalists who came before me and inspired me. It’s a constant journey and I often hear vocalists and think “Man I wanna do something like that” and then learn that style and add it to my repertoire. Also, our fans inspire me. I have got messages from our fans before about how much they like our music and that means a lot to me. Keeps me going when it feels like an endless grind.

12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?

James “THE BOY” Rokyckyj (Drums): Recently I had an old woman ask if she could lick my face paint off after a gig! After hard thought, I respectfully declined her offer.

Kye “KYRANTULA” Coulson (Vocals): I can’t think of anything ‘weird’ that I’ve been asked for personally (it usually happens to James instead) but I do have a funny story. After our show supporting VICTORIUS at Corporation in Sheffield, some fans asked us for a photograph. We had all taken our stage attire off by this time and were in our ‘casuals’. Me, Tom, Will, and James follow the group of fans to an emptier spot for the photo and get ready to pose for the shot. One guy then turns to James and says “hey man dya mind taking a photo of us with the band” - he clearly didn’t recognize him when he wasn’t all dressed up. James replied with “WHAT DYA MEAN I’M IN THE BAND?!”. The guy was very apologetic but it was very funny to everyone but James. From then on we call him ‘our photographer’ instead of drummer and in the MIDNIGHT LIFE artwork you can see a DSLR camera with James’ initials on it - so there’s a little easter egg for you.

13. What do you think of your fans?

James “THE BOY” Rokyckyj (Drums): We only have a small fan base but it's always a strong one and we appreciate everyone who has shown us support.

Will “SINZZ” Styan (Bass): Our fan base is amazing, one fan in Romania made a homemade SILK SPINSTER sigil patch which is an amazing feeling.

Tom “RIFF LORD” Nolan (Guitar): They've all been lovely people. Shame we don’t have weirdos we can have a good chuckle about.

Kye “KYRANTULA” Coulson (Vocals): Our fans are great and I can honestly say that I’ve enjoyed every single fan interaction I’ve had. Shout out - to Felix in Romania who made an absolutely sick SILK SPINSTER patch for their battle jacket. I was blown away by that. We fully encourage home-made DIY SILK SPINSTER merch (so long as you’re not selling it - yeah I see you out there) I think people’s creativity is amazing and I think it’s so cool that people spend the time to make something that is themed around our band. So thank you!.

14. What do you think of our site?

Tom “RIFF LORD” Nolan (Guitar): I’d love to say but sadly no words can truly do it the justice it deserves.

Kye “KYRANTULA” Coulson (Vocals): I think it’s awesome. You guys do great work and give great coverage to up-and-coming bands which we need more of in the industry as a whole. Breathing The Core gets the SILK SPINSTER seal of approval.

15. Something add?

Will “SINZZ” Styan (Bass): Get on the bandwagon and follow us on ALL of our social media!! It helps us massively! We also have merch if that sort of thing floats your boat…

Tom “RIFF LORD” Nolan (Guitar): A big thank you to my family and friends and my loving partner Andy, who has supported the band and myself, and to all those who are watching this space. These past few months have been huge for us and greatly entertaining in the run-up to our new single MIDNIGHT LIFE. What started as an F# minor riff (cause that's where Zakk Wylde wrote that song I thought was dope) has truly blossomed into the monumental headbanging anthem it is today.

Kye “KYRANTULA” Coulson (Vocals): Firstly, I am terrified to see what Tom said in this interview. The guy is a menace. Beyond that: I just want to say thank you to yourselves for having us and also to our fans out there. I know that our music isn’t going to be for everyone and that’s ok. But it genuinely means so much that there are people out there who like what we make and care about the band. It’s indescribably amazing to hear people singing along to songs that I wrote alone in my bedroom or that we wrote some random rehearsal space. Everything we have done has been done by us. It’s been DIY, it's been long hours and it's been made at the cost of our own time and money from our day jobs. So to see that it resonates with some people out there is amazing, and to my friends and family who have supported me/us thank you. And to my father, Sooty, who drives us all around the country and acts as our manager, thank you so much for the ridiculous amount of time and effort you put into helping us make this dream a reality.

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