Interviews: Trip To The Morgue

On this new occasion, we have had the opportunity to interview the Grindcore band Trip To The Morgue from the USA. Check out the interview and follow the band on their FACEBOOK PAGE.

1. Where did you get the idea for the band name, did you plan it or came out just like that?

DAVE: The idea for the name comes from the movie "Fast Times At Ridgemont High". The premise being a science teacher takes his class on a class “Trip to the Morgue”. Great movie with a classic soundtrack. The name really fits the genre and the music we play and the fans love it.

2. Why did you want to play this genre?

DAVE: Growing up, my world was a whirlwind of sound—punk, hardcore, thrash metal, and the raw power of early death metal. These genres weren’t just music to me; they were the very fabric of my upbringing. I remember the energy of those beats coursing through my veins, shaping my identity and igniting my passion for music.

VINNY RIZZO: I’ve always had a deep love for rock and metal, especially the punk scene that enveloped my hometown. It was impossible not to get swept up in it. I started out playing hardcore punk, and over time, my sound evolved into metal, then death metal, and eventually into even more extreme genres. This transformation felt completely natural, like a musical journey back to my roots—a powerful reminder of where I came from.

J PATRICK: As a guitarist, my style leans heavily toward metal and thrash. My older brother played a huge role in my musical education, exposing me to the thrilling sounds of thrash, punk, and death metal. His influences opened my ears and heart to the world of heavy music, propelling me into various metal bands over the years. Together, these experiences have forged a strong connection to the music I love and create. It’s more than just notes and rhythms; it’s a vibrant celebration of our shared roots in punk and metal, a testament to the power of music in shaping who we are.

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?

DAVE: Trip to the Morgue has had many members over the years, with each new member stepping up the level of musicianship and songwriting. Some of us knew each other from being in other local bands and gigging with each other on occasion. However, none of us were close or hung out prior to being in Trip to the morgue. It’s a great brotherhood now!

4. Who are each band member's favorite bands?

DAVE: When it comes to pinpointing a single favorite band, I have to admit, it’s a bit of a challenge! For me, "The Righteous Pigs" stands out as a defining influence, their raw energy and unique sound have always resonated with me.

J PATRICK: I’m all about that classic vibe and tones. I’ll often cite early Ozzy and Van Halen as my top picks—definitely the quintessential choices for any '80s guitar enthusiast! I hope you can hear those legendary influences woven throughout our new CD, showcasing all of the diverse musical tapestries we’ve created together.

VINNY: I find it nearly impossible to narrow down my favorites. With such a vast array of bands and genres at our fingertips, I’m all about variety when I write and play. If I had to pick just three, though, I’d go with the heavy hitters: Pantera, Whitechapel, and the iconic Rush.

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?

DAVE: There’s a little demon that lives in my head, constantly feeding me rhythms and riffs that I just can’t ignore. It’s like a relentless fire, pushing me to create and explore new sounds. For me, music isn’t just a passion; it’s an essential part of who I am.

VINNY: Music is my therapy, a vital outlet shaped by a challenging and shitty childhood. For me, our music is both empowering and healing. It’s incredible how I find breakthroughs during some of my lowest points, using those experiences to fuel my playing and artistry. It’s a powerful reminder that music can be a lifeline, transforming pain into something beautiful.

J PATRICK: My creative spark comes from a mix of inspiration and sheer volume! I draw from what I read and see in the world, entertainment, and life, but it’s during those loud rehearsals that my best riffs emerge. There’s something magical about the energy in the room when we crank up the volume, letting the music take over.

6. Where was your last gig?

DAVE: The world-famous Doll Hut in Anaheim, California. Such a great place to gig, especially knowing so many pioneers of Punk, Rock, and other genres have shared that stage. We have a big headlining gig in Vegas coming up in October as well as Bullhead City. Arizona.

7. Where would you like to perform?

DAVE: When it comes to dreaming about tour destinations, my mind races through a huge list: Europe, Japan, South America, and Indonesia! These places are more than just spots on a map; they’re cultural powerhouses teeming with passionate music fans who truly appreciate what we do.

VINNY: I wholeheartedly agree that Europe is a must-visit. I’ve spent considerable time in South America over the past year and am always eager to return. The experiences I’ve had there have only deepened my appreciation for the vibrant music scene and the fans who make it all worthwhile.

J PATRICK: Definitely a must to hit Europe, Japan, and South America. Dave is absolutely right—those fans are incredible! Their energy is infectious, and the way they embrace our music is nothing short of amazing. As we look ahead to future tours, the thought of connecting with these passionate audiences keeps us motivated and inspired. The world is our stage, and we can’t wait to share our music with fans across the globe!

8. Whom would you like to feature with?

DAVE: When it comes to dream collaborations, I can’t help but get fired up thinking about the heavyweights of metal! For me, bands like Exodus and Napalm Death, along with any classic old-school acts, are at the top of my list. Their raw energy and pioneering sounds have shaped so much of what we love today. 

VINNY: I have a lot! Anthrax, High on Fire, Exodus, Testament, and Megadeth. I’m all about the heavy hitters. Suicidal Tendencies, Power Trip, Death Angel, Municipal Waste, Havok, Propain, Machine Head, and Lamb of God. Honestly, fuck it, I’ll play with anyone!

J PATRICK: I share Vinny’s open-minded approach. I’m ready to jam with just about anyone, but I can’t help but dream big! I’d love the chance to share a stage with legends like Iron Maiden, Ozzy, Anthrax, Dr. Know, or Alter Bridge. The thought of rocking out alongside these iconic bands sends shivers down my spine! Together, we’re driven by our passion for music and the incredible connections we can make with fellow artists. The metal world is vast, and we’re ready to embrace every opportunity that comes our way!

9. Whom not?

DAVE: When it comes to sharing the stage, I can’t help but chuckle at the thought of who we might end up playing with. Green Day and Blink-182, are on the list though, wouldn’t want those “pop-punkers” to get hurt! It’s all in good fun, but it speaks to the playful spirit we have when it comes to music.

VINNY: Like I said, I’ll play with anyone. But let’s be real, that doesn’t necessarily mean they’d enjoy it! It’s that fearless attitude that keeps us on our toes, always ready to push boundaries and explore new sounds, no matter the audience.

J PATRICK: The only person was Tiny Tim, so I don’t have to worry about that now.

10. Have any of you ever suffered from stage fright? Any tips for beginners on how to beat that?

DAVE: When it comes to hitting the stage, I’ve got to admit, I do get a few butterflies fluttering around, but nothing that resembles stage fright. It’s more like a surge of excitement that fuels my performance! it all goes away after the first song, just bear with it!

VINNY: I used to get nervous before going on, but that feeling fades as soon as I step into the spotlight. Experience has a magical way of calming those nerves, allowing us to fully embrace the moment and connect with the crowd. Practice, practice, practice. Not just your songs but your overall craft. Make sure you get your body in shape too. The healthier you are the better you'll play. And leave the partying till after you play, that will affect your performance. Plus if you have anxiety, drugs or booze doesn't usually help even if you think it does.

J PATRICK: I’m kind of fearless when it comes to performing and being on stage. I never feel that anxiety, but I definitely have my own unique anxiety; my stress revolves around gear malfunctions or the unpredictable antics of enthusiastic fans. And let’s not forget about water on stage! I once had a shocking experience—literally! Getting zapped was painful, and it’s a lesson I won’t soon forget! I'd say, for stage fright, use the mantra I live by: “Practice like you’ve never won, Perform like you’ve never lost!” Invest in good and reputable gear and take care of it. Also, if you have a fear of playing in front of others, just do more of it. Lots of it!

11. What bands have inspired you the most?

DAVE: When I think about the bands that have shaped my musical journey, a powerhouse lineup comes to mind. For me, it all starts with legends like Celtic Frost, Black Sabbath, Sepultura, Slayer, Exodus, and the Dead Kennedys. These bands have laid the groundwork for everything I love about heavy music.

VINNY: Titans like Pantera, Slipknot, and Dream Theater. I’m all about that diverse sound, Rush, Avenged Sevenfold, Slayer (of course!), Meshuggah, Born of Osiris, Whitechapel, Machine Head, Lamb of God, and Death. My taste spans genres, showcasing the depth and intensity of metal that keeps us all inspired!

J PATRICK: All the iconic bands, like Van Halen, Black Sabbath, Ozzy, Iron Maiden, and Alter Bridge. Each of these acts carries a legacy that resonates deeply, influencing not just our music, but the entire rock and metal landscape. 

12. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?

DAVE: Let me tell you, the world of fan interactions can be as wild as it is unexpected! I had a fan who collected musicians' underwear. Yep, you heard that right—my boxers were on the line! It’s definitely one of those requests that leaves you scratching your head in disbelief.

VINNY: Not really a weird request but once I had an 80-year-old woman approach me with a request that was more surprising than weird. She wanted me to sign a band shirt she had just purchased, and when I asked who it was for, she simply replied, "For myself!"

J PATRICK: I had a gig in Long Beach, California and a gal asked me for some of my blood! Seriously, I don’t know if she was planning to drink it or if she was plotting to clone me, but it certainly adds a whole new level of intensity to the fan experience and wacky moments that come with it. We love our fans, quirks and all, and these interactions remind us just how unique and unpredictable this life can be!

13. What do you think of your fans?

DAVE: When it comes to our fans, I can’t help but feel a deep sense of admiration and gratitude. Our fans are hardcore motherfuckers; I worship them. The energy they bring to every show is nothing short of electrifying.

VINNY: I love them; we couldn't do what we do without them. Our fans are the heartbeat of this entire journey, and we wouldn’t be where we are without their unwavering support. Their passion fuels our creativity and drives us to push the envelope every time we hit the stage.

J PATRICK: Our fans are passionate and dedicated. They love the music, and it makes us feel connected to them in a way in which we never want to let them down. That connection is what keeps us grounded and motivated. We know that when we step out there, we’re not just performing for ourselves; we’re sharing something special with people who truly care.

14. What do you think of our site?

DAVE: By the looks of it I’ll definitely be checking it out more often.

VINNY: It's badass!

J PATRICK: I love your site! There are very few places that give artists the ability to talk about and share the concepts behind their art, insights about the band, and whatever the artist wants people to know. I think that the coverage, pictures, and links you provide do a huge service to the music, the fans, and the bands.

15. Something to add?

VINNY: If you have dreams, pursue them. Never stop, never let someone tell you that what you doing is wrong, always believe, and most importantly work your fuckin’ ass off to make them a reality. It's not life that gets in people’s way, it's work ethic and dedication. Basically themselves. How bad do you really want it? Never stop fighting for yourself. Take fucking risks and give it your all. Life is too damn short. I've been at this for the majority of my 30 years on this earth, it's just started paying off in the last two years. Be patient, it's worth it.

J PATRICK: Mastering your craft is all about dedication. SO DO IT! I make it a point to practice every day and take risks that push me out of my comfort zone. Whether it’s catching other bands' live performances, jamming with random musicians, or diving into classes and seminars, I immerse myself in my passion for music. This year has been a whirlwind for me! I joined Trip to the Morgue in February 2024, NOT EVEN A FULL YEAR WITH THE BAND and so much has happened since that day! I can trace it all back to a random conversation I had with Dave at the 2024 NAMM show. A mutual friend was there, and when Dave mentioned he needed someone to fill in on guitar for gigs and to finish their CD, I took a leap of faith and said, “Dude, I’ll help you out! Just send me the music and info.” That one decision ignited an incredible journey, and it all took off from there! The key is to put yourself out there as much as possible. You never know what opportunities might arise from a simple chat or a bold move. Let go of the negative, fake, and distracting people and hordes in your life that keep you unfocused and from doing what you love and being who you were meant to be. Embrace the unknown, stay passionate, and who knows where it might lead you! 

DAVE: I’m thrilled to share that we’re currently back in the studio, pouring our hearts into writing our next record! The energy is electric as we craft new music that we can’t wait to unleash on our fans. Alongside that, we're gearing up for some local shows in Nevada and Arizona in the U.S. and let me tell you, things are getting really busy now that we’ve teamed up with Wormholedeath Records. The excitement in the air is palpable, and I genuinely believe that the future is looking bright for Trip to the Morgue. With every note we play and every show we conquer, we’re building something special, and I can’t wait for everyone to experience what’s coming next. Stay tuned—big things are on the horizon!

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