Track By Tracks: TUSENÅRSEKEN - OMHULDRA (2024)

1. Ode till alla fattiga kräk (a hymn to all the struggling poor):

A hymn to all the struggling poor of the 1700-hundreds in Sweden. This work is strongly inspired by the Swedish author Per Anders Fogelströms literary work and depicts the struggles of everyday life among people in the lower classes.

2. Våren förgiftad (poison of spring):

Translates to the poison of spring and tells a story about nature coming to life but also the smell and death that winter has hidden. Sometimes the winter and the cold are more comforting than the re-awakening of life - or lack thereof.

3. Riket bortom livet (kingdom beyond life):

The song is about longing for death and the false promise of paradise.

4. Himmelens hand (the hand of heaven):

This is the story about harsh weather that wears the face of God. In this song, we follow (among other things) the finger of God that creates a chasm in the earth by dragging itself across the fields.

5. Ett hjärta har lättats från kroppen (a heart has left the body):

The slow death of a person lying on the ground in his own field. His closest standing around him, and the old völva watching his soul leaving the prison of flesh.

6. En vila i eländet (a rest from the misery):

This is an acoustic pause in the middle of the record and functions as a type of restart. Here we have a man who has conversations with death and greets him as an old friend.

7. Mörkret inuti allt (the darkness in everything):

to find solace in the darkness of night and the spiritual darkness of hate and abuse. These things we can always rely on.

8. Oändligt är dårens nummer (infinite is the number of the fool):

This song is about following others in great mass and not thinking för yourself.

9. Själen utmärglad (soul emaciated):

When industrialization hit the northern countries it changed things drastically for the working man. This is the story about first working outside in the fields and the soul-crushing switch to working at a factory in the city.

10. Grönskan vi minns (nature recalled):

This song is about a movement in the 1700 that idolized vikings and created a false image of that life - an image we still see to this day.

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