Behind The Artworks: Bardic Mechanism – Hues Of Everyday (2024)

The cover art for 'Hues of Everyday' was made before I had a title for the EP. It was originally intended as track art for 'Recycling Bin', with its demanding cityscape weighing heavily on a weary individual. However, the music video for 'Recycling Bin' furnished a more aesthetically consistent still to use as art for the track. The lovely original was cast adrift into some uncharted corner of my portfolio but was always too striking to let itself be forgotten.

I usually have very little idea of what I’m doing as I sequence tracks into a release. It only ever makes sense at the very end, when the artistic vision coalesces and unambiguously asserts itself. Working on what would become ‘Hues of Everyday’, all I really knew was that I was putting together a rainbow of not-quite-moods as a reminder of who I was.

A superficial vivaciousness. A struggle with place and role. Cold spite. Night intruding on the day. All of it faded into clouds and confusion. And finally, something that refused to be forgotten. I had my cover art. I had my title. I had ‘Hues of Everyday’.

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