Behind The Artworks: STAGE OF REALITY - Digital God (2024)

Digital God is the sequel to "The Breathing Machines" released by Stage of Reality in 2014

Pasolini (a famous Italian writer) was right, he had predicted everything since the advent of television: nowadays conformism reigns above everything and people are increasingly losing their identity, making technology a new GOD.

We must not fear technology, but rather the way mankind uses it. Today we can know practically everything through Google, but, despite this, many people still believe in fake news and they always look for an alternative way of interpreting the reality around them.

Meanwhile, wars and corruption are everywhere, but people seem too busy to notice while they talk about artificial intelligence ready to steal their jobs. The real enemy of mankind is ignorance and only ignorance generates new GODS like the DIGITAL GOD.

The Digital God feeds itself with sleeping masses and it governs their behavior like the puppeteer who pulls the puppet strings.

The sleeping masses attached to the cables that power up the Digital God's world are at the same time energy and will to be governed... Gods have always been fueled by ignorance.

Nowadays the masses don't want to find their own identity anymore and they prefer to be governed by the Digital God and live passively.

In this song, the main character first sees the digital god (like in the song's lyrics) then faces the Digital God and tries to achieve freedom and free will for the whole human being. He does it with music, the universal language.

By making music, Stage of Reality wants to awaken the masses and make them understand that there is an alternative to all of this, but we all need to break down the barriers of ignorance, we need to learn, accept differences, and build an inclusive world where we can speak a universal language: music.

The music reaches everyone, the band, playing music, awakens the sleepers. The main character of this song is a man (or a woman) who doesn't give up despite everything, who doesn't want conformity, and who doesn't try to please but to hit the attention of the masses. The main character tries to leave something perhaps to a few people, but in an indelible way, the same as when music used to scare the establishment and bring people into the streets, blocking the system even for days.

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