Interviews: BornBroken

On this new occasion, we had the opportunity to interview the Metal band BornBroken from Canada. Check out the interview and follow the band on their FACEBOOK PAGE.

1. Where did you get the idea for the band name, you plan it or come out just like that?

The idea for our band name, "BORNBROKEN," actually came from our first vocalist back in 2008. We were in the midst of searching for the perfect band name when, during a drive to jam, he just blurted it out. The moment we heard it, we knew that was the one. It resonated with us immediately—it felt raw, powerful, and perfectly aligned with the themes we wanted to explore in our music.

To make it stand out and be easily recognizable online, we decided to merge it into one word: BORNBROKEN. It’s a name that has stuck with us ever since, embodying the essence of our sound and message.

2. Why did you want to play this genre?

We wanted to play this genre because metal, for us, is more than just music—it's a way to channel raw emotion, confront the darker aspects of life, and connect with others who share that intensity. Metal is a genre that allows us to express powerful feelings like anger, frustration, and pain, but also resilience, strength, and unity. It’s a form of catharsis, both for us as musicians and for the listeners who connect with our music.

Growing up, we were drawn to the energy and honesty in metal. The bands that influenced us weren't afraid to tackle heavy themes, push boundaries, and create music that was unapologetically intense. That really resonated with us. We wanted to create something that felt authentic, something that could both challenge and uplift the people who hear it.

Playing metal allows us to tap into that raw energy and create something that’s both powerful and meaningful. It’s a genre that’s not just about the music—it’s about the community, the shared experiences, and the unspoken understanding that comes from being part of something bigger than yourself. That's why we chose this genre, and that's why we continue to play it with everything we've got.

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed?

Mike and Myself (Michael) knew each other from the local music scene and have shared the stages with our past projects. We met Carlos and Rob while auditioning new members for the lineup over the years.

4. Each band member's favorite band?

This is a very misleading question as we have all been in the music scene for so long and have multiple bands we are so fond of.

Mike Marino - Pantera

Rob Henx - Nevermore

Carlos Ojeda - Whose

Michael Decker - Machine Head

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?

We’re inspired by a mix of musical styles and themes. The heavy, aggressive sounds of metal play a significant role in shaping our style, with bands like Machine Head, Pantera, Slayer, and Testament influencing our approach. We also have a strong appreciation for visual and atmospheric elements that heighten the impact of our music, which is reflected in the dramatic and stark aesthetics we use.

When it comes to writing lyrics, we’re driven by a desire to explore the darker aspects of the human experience. We often focus on themes like the relentless passage of time, the inevitability of death, and the struggles we face against forces beyond our control. For us, this is a way to confront the harsh realities of life, channeling those intense emotions into music that serves as both an emotional release and a means of connecting with our audience.

Beyond just music, we draw inspiration from intense emotions and questions that arise from our own experiences, as well as from literature and visual art that delve into similar themes. Our goal is to create a powerful, immersive experience that resonates on multiple levels, both sonically and artistically.

6. Where was your last gig?

Our last show was opening up for Otto and Bastardane (Sons of the members from Metallica)

7. Where would you like to act?

Ultimately, we’re open to performing anywhere that brings us closer to our fans and allows us to create memorable, powerful live experiences. Whether it’s a massive festival stage or a gritty club, we’re ready to bring our music to life and connect with metalheads around the world.

8. Whom would you like to feature with?

Sharing the stage with bands that have influenced us.

9. Whom not?

As long as we get along and do not have any personal or business conflicts, I don’t feel there is anybody we wont play with.

10. Any of you has ever suffered from stage fright? Any tip for beginners on how to beat that?

Yes, stage fright is something that many musicians, including us, have experienced at one point or another. It’s completely normal to feel nervous before performing, but overcoming it is key to delivering a great show. Here are some tips for beginners to help beat stage fright:

1. **Preparation is Key**: The more prepared you are, the more confident you'll feel. Rehearse thoroughly and know your material inside and out. Confidence in your performance can help alleviate nervousness.

2. **Practice Performing**: Get used to playing in front of people by starting with small, informal gigs or even practicing in front of friends and family. The more you perform, the more comfortable you'll become with being on stage.

3. **Visualize Success**: Take some time to visualize yourself performing confidently and successfully. Imagine the positive reactions from the audience and the satisfaction of a great performance. This mental rehearsal can help reduce anxiety.

4. **Focus on the Music**: Instead of concentrating on how you’re feeling, shift your focus to the music and the connection you’re creating with the audience. Concentrate on the energy of the performance and the joy of playing your music.

5. **Breathing Exercises**: Practice deep breathing exercises to help calm your nerves before going on stage. Simple techniques like inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly can help reduce anxiety.

6. **Positive Self-Talk**: Replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations. Remind yourself that you’re well-prepared and that it’s okay to feel nervous. Everyone experiences stage fright, and it’s part of the process.

7. **Perform Regularly**: The more you perform, the more you’ll desensitize yourself to the anxiety. Regular gigs and practice will help you build resilience and confidence over time.

8. **Connect with the Audience**: Remember that the audience is there to support you and enjoy your performance. Try to connect with them, engage with their energy, and see them as allies rather than judges.

9. **Have Fun**: Ultimately, remember that performing should be enjoyable. Focus on the fun aspects of playing live and the opportunity to share your music with others.

Overcoming stage fright takes time and experience, but with practice and these strategies, you can build confidence and make your live performances more enjoyable.

11. What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?

A. I tell you the best gift I received. 30 years ago we met and I was blessed to be able to marry her, she shares my passion for music and is one of my driving forces to keep making music. We also have 2 beautiful daughters who love metal! Parenting done right!

12. What do you think of your fans?

We think our fans are absolutely incredible. They’re the lifeblood of our music, and their support means everything to us. Fans are the ones who breathe life into our songs, who come to our shows, who share our music, and who connect with the themes and emotions we put into our work.

Their enthusiasm, loyalty, and passion inspire us every day. Whether they’ve been with us since the early days or are just discovering our music, their reactions and feedback drive us to keep pushing boundaries and striving for excellence.

We deeply value the sense of community and connection that comes with being part of the metal scene. Our fans are more than just listeners—they’re fellow travelers on this musical journey, sharing in the highs and lows, celebrating victories, and providing support when we need it most.

We’re grateful for their energy and dedication, and we always strive to give back by delivering the best music and performances we can. They make everything we do worthwhile, and we’re honored to have such an amazing group of people supporting us.

13. What do you think of our site?

I took a look at the site, and it’s clear that Breathing the Core is a well-designed and comprehensive platform for metal music.

14. Something to add?

To learn more about me and our band, and to buy our music and merch, you can visit our Linktree There, you'll find information about our latest releases, upcoming shows, and exclusive merchandise. We also have links to our social media profiles and streaming platforms where you can listen to our music and stay updated on all our activities. Here’s a quick guide to where you can find us online:

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