Interviews: Marabunta

On this new occasion, we had the opportunity to interview the Hardcore/Thrash Metal/RapMetal/Metalcore/Deathcore/Nu-Metal band Marabunta from  Spain. Check out the interview and follow the band on their FACEBOOK PAGE.

1. Where did the idea for the band name come from, did you plan it or did it just happen?

When it came time to choose a name for the band, a crowd emerged, an amalgamation of proposals. And so we chose this one, Marabunta, precisely. As a literal meaning, the Marabunta is a species of South American ants that devour everything in their path and as a metaphorical meaning, a Marabunta is a crowd of people who are feverishly searching for something. We liked the name from the beginning and I think it sounds good...

2. Why did you want to play this genre?

Well, that's what doesn't come out when composing the songs. The members of the band have very varied influences: from hardcore to rap metal, through metalcore, thrash, deathcore, or nu-metal. In the end, we put everything in the cocktail shaker, we shake it, and out comes this shit we do. We like it and it motivates us. But if we have to pigeonhole ourselves into any genre, we would say Hardcore Metal, is the most predominant in our compositions.

3. Did you know each other before the band was formed? 

Yes of course. Before being a metal band, we had been friends since adolescence, and some even before. And as a band, we have been active since the late 90s. So you can say that we have been together longer than apart. Here one farts and the rest of us already know who it was... hehehehe

4. Favorite band of each band member?

Miranda (guitarist): Lamb of God

Manuel (vocalist): Rage Against The Machine

Mariano (drums): Sepultura

Johnny (bassist): Sex Pistols

Olea (vocalist): Hatebreed

5. Who or what inspires you to write songs?

Political and, above all, social injustices, pollution and climate change, personal experiences and experiences, bonds of friendship, and special relationships. In general terms, the lyrics have a protest theme, with direct overtones and using irony, humor, and sarcasm.

6. Where was your last concert?

Last week we played in the north of Spain: in Gijon (Bola 8 room) and in La Coruña (Filomatic room). 

7. Where would you like to perform?

At Resurrection Fest, Wacken, Hellfest, and Download, who wouldn't like to play at festivals like that?

8. Who would you like to introduce yourself to?

Bands that are cool to all of us currently are Get The Shot, Siberian Meat Grinder, Lamb of God, Gojira, Terror, Madball, Rise of the Northstars, Turnstile, Biohazard, Malevolence... And in Spain, Koma. We wouldn't care about any of them, it would be wonderful...

9. Who doesn't?

Kiss or King Diamond. They seem like real cakes to us and they would be better off already retired, giving way to the new...

10. Have any of you ever suffered from stage fright? Any advice for beginners on how to overcome that?

Yes, in one of my first concerts, I started to shake like Machín's maracas... It went away with a few shots of patxarán, holy shit!!

11. What is the strangest thing a fan has asked you for?

The underpants. In the end, he took them, even though they weren't very clean...

12. What do you think of your fans?

Our irreducibles, our army of ants. They are the fucking rock and we are very grateful to them. They give meaning to all this and are an important part of us continuing to row to continue making new songs and continue playing live.

13. What do you think of our site?

Well, that's the way to go and you do a great job of disseminating extreme styles. You are a very important part of the scene.

14. Anything to add?

Thank you very much for having us, it has been a fucking pleasure and we will see you at the concerts. A hug!

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