Interviews: Vampires Everywhere

On this new occasion, we had the opportunity to interview the Metalcore band Vampires Everywhere from the USA. Check out the interview and this amazing band!

1. Your music draws a lot of inspiration from iconic horror films like The Lost Boys and Bram Stoker’s Dracula. How do these films shape your creative process when writing new material?

I’ve always been drawn to the darker things in life and I lean heavily towards the occult/supernatural; so it’s like riding a bike for me. If I’m dealing with relationship issues I’ll always tend to add darker metaphors to mask my real grief. I want my audience to feel my pain but also interpret it in their own way. It's very much like the horror movies you stated above. They lay the groundwork for you but it's up to you how your own mind interprets it. The Lost Boys plays into the idea of immortality. However, the catch is that you must feed on humans. This is a major crossroads for people. The fantasy of "will I do it" and could I take someone's life to live forever. There's a beauty in death but a deep yearning inside to live forever. I absolutely use all of these ideas in my lyrics. It's honestly the staple of what I believe in.

2. The reimagined version of Billy Idol's "White Wedding" has garnered attention for its cinematic feel and brutal vocals. What made you choose this particular track to cover, and how did you go about adding your own Vampires Everywhere! spin to it?

You are absolutely correct with the cinematic reference to the song / video. I wanted to create something nostalgic for my fans while still focusing on moving ahead with the VE brand. I’ve always been a giant fan of Billy Idol. This particular track always had a darker feel for me & I knew I could add my own spin to it without ruining the authenticity of the original song. I knew slowing the song down would create an eerie feel to the opening guitar riff. I started there and then slowly started adding the metal ideas in. I'm just happy it all worked out! My favorite part about the whole process of recreating this song was absolutely the music video! Alex at Black Wolf Imaging saw my vision and went ham on making this the best music video I've ever done!

3. "Cry Little Sister" has been a major hit for you, landing on the Billboard Mainstream Rock Chart and being featured in the Burning Girls TV show. How do you feel about the resurgence of '80s nostalgia in today’s media, and how do you incorporate that vibe into your music?

I’ve always incorporated 80’s nostalgia into my music. I am a child of the 80’s so I’ve seen a lot firsthand & could easily reference certain aspects of that time. I saw “The Lost Boys” in the theater & fell in love with the movie. As you know it heavily influenced my entire life & my band especially. I love that 80’s culture is making a resurgence & more than that the goth culture is slowly trickling back too! I usually incorporate 80’s references everywhere! I plant all sorts of easter eggs in my lyrics and music videos! It always stokes me out when a fan finds one of them and messages me about it. Recreating "Cry Little Sister" was an absolute nightmare haha! I loved the song so much that I kept rethinking ideas on how to bring it back to life. I honestly did not want to ruin this song or do it worse than my peers have done it. So I sang my ass off in the studio and crossed my fingers! Luckily, I smile everytime I hear the song and people seem to love it.

4. You’ve described Halloween as a special time for you, with your love for all things spooky and vampiric. Can you share what Halloween traditions or experiences have left a lasting impression on you over the years?

I’ve always loved costumes as a kid. Whether it was Christmas or Halloween you’d find me dressed up as something superhero or strange. I try to make Halloween special for me & the band! We always put on a show on Halloween because it would be sacrilegious not to...haha! As a kid I’ll never forget my grandmother made me a custom Batman outfit out of felt & spandex. Behind closed doors I loved the outfit! However, I found myself running around the neighborhood on Halloween dodging my school friends who “outgrew” dressing up. They went to the whole shaving cream / egg phase. I honestly do not have any Halloween traditions unless you count a Pumpkin Spice latte as a tradition? I live Halloween everyday of my life so the holiday for me is about "energy". The best night to fill up on energy is definitely Halloween. I think my favorite Halloween Show to date was definitely at Bar Sinister in Los Angeles. I was able to use fire and create a ritual sacrifice. A memorable moment to say the least! Lets hope I can top it this year in Las Vegas at Triple B's!

5. Your personal story, especially the life-changing accident that led to the band's formation, is deeply tied to the concept of immortality and the darker elements of existence. How do these themes continue to influence your music and the band’s image?

I’ve been fighting to build my brand / band for over 23 years. I've restarted this project over 3 times! It’s a constant battle to breakthrough & share my music with the world. The famous adage "time is on your side" absolutely pertains to me. I view time not as an enemy; but as a fairy godmother teaching me life lessons. The idea of immortality in my eyes is longestivity. I feel I'm blessed by some unholy spirit that not only gives me determination but also an optimism that cannot be rivaled! After you face death head on nothing will ever be the same. For me, I had to learn to be human again & turn off all my fears. It's been a crazy battle to say the least. All that being said, you can imagine what it's like implementing this sort of behavior into my music. That is why I try my hardest to make sure everything is real and comes from the heart. Nothing here is a gimmick!

6. You’ve shared the stage with big names like Alesana, Escape The Fate, and Falling In Reverse. How has touring with such iconic bands influenced the growth and evolution of Vampires Everywhere!?

The best way to answer this would be "learning curve"... meaning every time you step on stage with a band that is 100% on their game you can't help but admire their work ethic. I've learned alot from all the bands you stated above & I am beyond thankful I was able to grow from watching / learning from them. If you want to learn how to become a god watch the band's crew! They are no doubt the backbone of the whole live show. I've learned so much nerd shit watching amazing crews that I implemented into my own stage show. Honestly, it's a valuable asset learning how everything works!

7. You mentioned in a previous interview that you used to practice vampirism but eventually focused more on energy rather than blood. Could you elaborate on that journey and how it ties into the themes you explore in your music?

This is a tricky question because most civilians will think I'm absolutely crazy haha! I'll try to summarize this and keep it brief. I am gifted with a few blessing- curse types of powers. I can feel someone's energy and know if they are lying or trying to manipulate me. However, using this gift drains me so I must "feed" on more energy to feel at full strength. It's a give and take situation. I actually view this gift as a curse because you start not trusting anyone and it's hard to form lasting relationships with people. The blood play is a different story. Honestly, blood play is being "greedy" in my eyes. There's too much energy in blood and it's very overwhelming. Once you start this process of sustaining your energy this way it's hard to stop. Obviously it's also very dangerous and should only be performed with trusting partners. If the blood is bad one could "pass out" from the negative energy. This once happened to me feeding on an ex-girlfriend. Nowadays, I only feed on energy. If you want to see me do this in real-time come to a show ;]

8. With October being the month of spooky celebrations, how do you plan to bring the spirit of Halloween into your upcoming performances, especially at The Whisky and your Halloween show in Las Vegas?

Halloween shows have a special energy. When you see VE play live you already get a scene nostalgia mixed with a potion of evil haha! Naw, we just step it up a bit! Meaning we add more lights, dancers, songs, costumes, & overall sexy vampire energy! We take our Halloween shows very seriously! The Whisky is already sold out and the energy that will radiate from that venue on Oct 18th will be extraordinary! The show on Halloween at Triple B's ..I mean it's our home town; I expect absolute chaos. People come out knowing it's a special night where they can just be themselves and enjoy a little metal.

9. Your band has been through several transformations since its inception in 2010. How do you feel Vampires Everywhere! has evolved musically and creatively since your early days on MTV Headbangers Ball?

This is a great question! The answer is "experience" .. learning your craft. I've been a musician since I was 22 and still in college. I started off playing bass and then moved to lead vocalist. I decided to do this because I wanted my life in my own hands. That being said I started screaming and became one of the best at that. Then it took me over 10 years to become a good vocalist. It was and still is one of the hardest things in the world to do .. touch someone's soul with your voice. I have been honing my craft for a very long time and had to get good in all aspects of the music industry. I literally became my own marketing director and songwriter. I only let one person write an album for me in over 23 years of being in the industry. Yes, the album was amazing but it didn't feel right. I need to be the artery of the song. If my life isn't represented in the music it's hard for me to get into it. I surround myself with amazing like-minded musicians that love what I produce. I am very lucky in this aspect. The moral of the story is ..LEARN YOUR CRAFT!

10. The mix of '80s glam and modern metalcore in your sound is quite unique. What has the response been like from fans who appreciate both of those genres, and how do you see your music appealing to both old-school and modern metal fans?

Actually this has been an uphill battle! You would think it would be obvious for metal bands to wear makeup and dress in all black! However, that is not the case. VE has been chastised for years for being ourselves. I honestly can't count on my fingers how many times we were called terrible things just because we embraced the darker side of rock. I'm sure a lot of musicians are now rethinking their mindset based on the popularity of goth rock & makeup in general. People tend to jump on bandwagons and disregard the torment they bestowed on others in the past. I mean you can't say you're a Motley Crue fan then name call us for wearing makeup! It honestly makes no sense! The fans that get it absolutely love it! Thankfully we have an amazing following of fans that understand our music and our image as a whole. I am starting to see a whole new young fanbase growing on Tik Tok and it's been amazing to see! VE is a safe place for everyone. We want everyone to feel welcomed and understand that the idea of being yourself isn't a bad thing.

11. With your fascination for the occult and horror, are there any upcoming horror films, series, or trends you’re excited about that might inspire your next project? 

Absolutely! I was just very inspired by the new "Interview With A Vampire" TV Series! It's absolutely amazing! I watched it on the tour bus. I got so into it that I watched the whole thing 3 times! I also just watched the new "Salems Lot" movie. It is amazing and much better than the old TV series one in the 70's. I like that directors are actually sticking to the words in the book. I love how the vampire culture is growing and coming up with new ways to reinvent the wheel. I am also very excited to see Nosferatu. The trailers have been amazing!

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