Track By Tracks: IN DAKHMA - He Who Sows The Ground (2024)

1. Ona kraljuje sama:

Vedran: This song is an interpretation of “Smrt i ja” by Antun Branko Šimić, set to music. The theme is that death is inside of us, there is no running away from it, and it will eventually outgrow us, reigning alone once we are dead. Our take on that song is that it starts ambiguously since shouting is “She is not outside, she is inside of me” instead of “Death is not outside, she is inside of me”, giving it more width. We’ve also included a small part of one other poem by A. B. Šimić, but we will leave that for listeners to figure out.

2. Sacrum:

Matko: This is one of the oldest songs we wrote. The main riff on the chorus is a very old, catchy, and powerful riff from Vedran’s riff storage. The song is a hybrid of death, black, and thrash metal, something we wanted to include at the beginning of the album just to show the variety of the riffs and genres you can hear on the rest of the album.

When it comes to lyrics, it’s a bit of a personal song. It’s about being at the bottom, whether it’s your career, love life, family matters, and not staying at the bottom, but trying to get up, not give up on life because the chance of you even being alive is astronomically slim, so you better make the most of it. Find your passion, whatever it is, and stick with it.

3. In Dogma:

Matko: This song is the last song we wrote, right before we entered the studio. Maybe the most dynamic song on the album, it’s full of ups and downs. It is a blend of old-school and modern metal. The solo in the middle part of the song, performed by Darjan Fiolić, connects perfectly with the speech from lectures by Christoper Hitchens.

Lyrically, the song speaks about the manipulation of people's emotions by religious and political figures. How someone, essentially a good person, is able to do the most horrific things to other people in the name of their god or their leader.

4. Nothing But Filth:

Matko: Created in one rehearsal, just a chugging rollercoaster to get the blood flowing. A simple and short statement of how less can be more. I'm not saying it has to be a rule, but it can be effective.

It’s about how the world is turning people against each other and how we are slowly losing our real human connection because of it. Lyrics are pretty abstract at certain points, but the general gist of it is about people viewing or searching for others for moral authority, not being individuals, and accepting narcissistic or at least morally questionable views of others onto themselves. Not seeing the bigger picture, being a cog in the machine without understanding it, and ultimately being miserable because of it.

5. Sentinel Hill:

Matko: A doom metal song. Very slow at times, at least in the scope of this album, we just wanted a song like this from the beginning of our band. The song is a breather in terms of the tempo with a bit of clean singing (Darjan Fiolić on clean vocals) and a beautiful solo by Tomislav Ferenc. The song starts as a typical doom metal song, but it's actually a three-part song. No verses and no choruses.
Inspiration comes from the story-driven lyrics, which are very much inspired by H.P. Lovecraft but with a bit of our own plot twist. Musically, it is the same as a book: it has a beginning, a middle part and an end with no repeating chapters.

6. Aeshma:

Matko: Just a brutal and groovy song. A little bit of progressive stuff in it, something we plan to include more in our next album endeavors. After “Sentinel Hill”, this song is a brutal continuation of the album. The song is about the demon of fury and rage in Zoroastrianism coming to claim his throne, laugh at his opponents, and devour what’s left.

7. Black Mat:

Matko: This is the most straightforward song on the album; of course, it has to be a grindcore-influenced song. We made this song in about half an hour: powerful, aggressive, and straight to the point.

Lyrics come from a fear of inevitable natural disasters and uncertainty about when they will happen. How fragile our civilization is and how easily we can all vanish.

Matko: Our first song we rehearsed. The song is an old idea by Vedran, and I think that maybe the middle part is a bit different from the original. Old-school death metal meets breakdowns meets black metal. A very simple yet fun song to perform. A song about how people are much more susceptible to hate or just ignore the good in this world.

9. Lies Beneath The Golden Ruins:

Matko: Our first single that's coming out on 11.10. 2024. I think it’s the first song we created together during rehearsals, with no preparation, just jamming and structuring riffs. To me, it is one of the most fun songs to play, it has typical thrash beats, really groovy parts, and fast double bass parts.

The speech at the beginning pretty much sums up the theme, with additional metaphors for religious manipulation all around the world, the suffering of children, and subsequently, no repercussions for the damage done, all under the disguise of serving the Lord.

10. …

Vedran: This short melancholic acoustic instrumental serves to calm everything down, before the doom that “Tower of Silence” brings. Background noise is noise from medical equipment, and the tempo slows down at the end implying the death of a person, an ideal introduction for “Tower of Silence”, Zoroastrian graveyard.

11. Tower Of Silence:

Matko: The most vile and putrid song I’ve ever been a part of. I remember how after the vocal recordings were done, Vedran had a significant change in his voice due to so much screaming hahaha. It was really fun to play it, some parts in the middle incorporate some percussive tribal elements, which makes the song even more interesting and definitely challenging in the future if we play it live since I’m not an octopus.

Doom/Sludge song that is over 6 minutes long. It is about the end of the world and how worthless our lives are in the sheer vastness of the cosmos.

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