Track By Tracks: Sevit - I (2024)

1. Jet Black Sommer:

CAMERON: “Jet Black Sommer is one of those songs that is supposed to get you in the mood for the seasonal change to Fall, the idea was created from a T-shirt I saw from the band The Damned movie “Don’t You Wish You Were Dead?” It read “Jet Black Summer” which gave me an idea for the title to go with the song, passed it on to Mario and he added the lyrics that really dialed in the mood I was feeling. I feel it is overall just a great song with Brian’s guitars and Maddie’s driving bass and overall haunting synths.

MADDIE: This was the first single we released. It’s about being in the heat of summer and just wanting Fall to hurry up and get here. We’re in Texas, so the heat is awful, and I think that longing for Autumn is shared by a lot of people around the world who are sick of the heat. Ironically, we released this song in winter though! It features both me and Mario on vocals for call-and-response type verses. It’s definitely been our most popular song with this new lineup.

2. Drain To White:

CAMERON: This song brings me back to early Stooges/ Iggy Pop. What Goth band can pull that off today while adding their own flavor of horror to the song with a cross-over pop hook?

MADDIE: “Drain To White” was our second single, and the song is about a guilty vampire, as our singer Mario will announce on stage. It is one of our more upbeat songs that is definitely more “rock” and “pop” than some of our other tunes.

3. Witch’s Broom:

MARIO: This is about a personal relationship I was in with a witch. Perhaps we were doomed from the start, but it left an indelible mark on me. Good songs come from life’s struggles.

CAMERON: “Witch’s Broom” plays into the dark occult about a witch and her necromancing powers. She can cast spells to manipulate you into submission by influence and summon the elements of nature, such as water, fire, earth, air, and also lightning, and the dead. The song is hooked and layered with an infectious groove and seductive vocals from Maddie with an eerie vibe into the macabre.

4. Shipwrecked:

CAMERON: The song is a nod to early bands like Sisters and the Mission while adding what I call a slight “goth prog” bridge. The vocal hooks are driving, and the guitars explode with an almost Joy Division/ New Order bass melody from Maddie. It’s def one of my favorites off the album.

MADDIE: Shipwrecked was one of our first new songs that became a fan favorite pretty quickly. The chorus is pretty “sing-along-able,” and it’s just a memorable concept for a song. Being “Shipwrecked” is more of a metaphor than an actual story, but it works well for what Mario was trying to convey in the lyrics.

5. The Walls Are Closing In:

MADDIE: This song has its origins in the older lineup of Sevit and is quite a hypnotic piece. The whole song is the same three chords all the way through, but despite that, it builds into an operatic ending.

CAMERON: I wrote this prior to forming SEVIT. It’s been one of those songs I held onto for a while, but it felt so right to drop on the album. Mario came up with the overall lyrics which captured the mood I was feeling. The song from my perspective is about your life falling apart, going insane, love, loss, and the feeling of complete isolation and claustrophobia setting in, and being sucked into your mind, creating illusions of paranoia.

6. No Haunts:

MADDIE: This was a song that Cameron had created the music to then sent to Mario with the working title of “No Haunts.” Mario ran with that concept and wrote the verse lyrics around that. I wrote the chorus, and I also sang in the chorus. It’s mainly about wanting to be so dead that you don’t even want to come back as a ghost (which is definitely not how I feel in real life lol). But that kind of concept fits well with the “gothiness” of the tune.

CAMERON: “No Haunts” is the second or “part two” of “Shipwrecked”. When I finished the music on these two songs, they almost were the same song, but they are not. Brian, Mario. and Maddie changed the dynamic of the song giving it just enough change to merit being “part two” of “Shipwrecked.” The lyrics follow up after “Shipwrecked” of have finally losing all hope and there is no coming back from the deep dark hole of depression.

7. Cold Dreams:

CAMERON: This is from Mario’s mind, and I can’t really speak but only interpret what he's talking about, I just had my hands on the music which is a dance song with a really great ending.

MARIO: Ahh, drama! lol. I may or may not have felt slightly vindictive regarding this individual. But it’s just me wanting that person to feel how they made me feel.

8. Ghost Like This:

CAMERON: Yet another one of, ‘Mario, what’s in your head?” I could try and explain it but, like, “Cold Dreams?!” I had more hands-on with the music. This song really is a great driving, dark dance song with a very creative bridge that reminds me of something off of a David Bowie song like “Fame” or a Duran Duran track off of “Seven and The Ragged Tiger”. Yeah, I know, weird right? But it works and the ending is something I was dinking around with using backward vocals and samples which just made it super weird and creepy at the end which leads to the next Creepy Creeper song lol…

MARIO: This is a metaphor for feeling invisible when you are at your lowest of lows. Such as when someone is in recovery in one way or another. Friends tend to be fleeting when we need them the most.

9. Creeper:

CAMERON: “Creeper” is something that inspired me to bring out my love and fascination with serial killers. Mario may have written it around something of that nature but once I put my touches on the song, I was thinking this is def a theme song to follow up with. The Zodiac Killer was who I thought of when I heard the demo for the first time. Once Brian added the guitar solo, that pushed me to make the synth like a horror movie and hook sung by Mario and Maddie.

MADDIE: I remember when Mario came to me with this song and taught me the bassline he had written. That’s when I thought, “Ok, this can be fun to play!” This is my favorite SEVIT song to play live. Mario wrote it about a serial killer, and the song is written from the killer’s perspective.

10. Z-340 (A memoir of a killer):

MARIO: This instrumental is all Cameron. Z is for Zodiac and 340 is the cipher created by the Zodiac Killer. I asked for this song to close the LP. I thought it was very ambient and yet chilling.

CAMERON: This was an instrumental I wrote to follow up “Creeper.” This was written around watching old films of the Zodiac Killer, and one thing that stuck out was the last note of the Zodiac that was deciphered before his disappearance, Z-340, as we all know he was never caught. This is a haunting instrumental of how I envisioned a mood through the eyes of the Zodiac. I also took inspiration from The Cure’s “Subway Song” off of Boy’s Don’t Cry and one of my old Disney Halloween Albums, Jack The Ripper. Yeah, it's creepy… But a nice way to end the album which will lead to our new single coming soon!

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