Track By Tracks: Through This Hell - The Illusionist Part 1 (2024)

Richard Airey is a music writer/ composer who is known as Through This Hell.

He does not perform live, although that is something he'd like to do at some point in the near future. Instead, he is focused on just providing his own music/ style online for people to check out and hopefully be pleasantly surprised.

The Illusionist Pt.1 is one such offering. It is a 'Rock Opera' telling the story of William Waltham, who at the age of 12 had a dream to become the greatest illusionist the world had ever seen. Set in the late 1800s, he leaves home at 16 and heads to the great city of London to try and accomplish that dream. His 'Journey Begins'. After dedicating an immense 4 years to learning all he can to perfect his awe-inspiring tricks, he starts to gain much popularity as a street performer thus becoming 'The Illusionist'. He feels he is close to making it but realises there's still 'Something Missing'. That something is Charles Cooper a talent agent who is impressed with his act and after reaching a deal signs William to his agency quickly booking him into several of London's top theatres. His shows are a storm, and the public begins to flock in, within a few weeks, his shows are the biggest attraction in the city.

'Fortune And Glory' hit him hard, and eventually, that leads him down a dark path of drink and drugs, which eventually at '3:16'am one night brings him into contact with an occult group whose leader makes a huge impression on him. The leader then shows him what 'Black Magic' can do and offers to teach him. Impressed by its supernatural raw power, William signs his soul away and falls into a trap he was never meant to.

A few weeks later, after a meeting with Charles, who notices a big change in him, he tries to perform his own black magic ritual on the 'Opening Night ' of his new stage act which goes horribly wrong and chaos insues, William is somehow able to stop the madness he created but is left in an empty theatre as his terrible mistakes caused sheer panic and terror and left the audience running for their lives.

He returns to his dressing a broken man, and within seconds, his agent Charles bursts in telling him their partnership is over and he's to get out leaving him with his ' Broken Dreams '

Over the next few days, he sinks further into addiction and depression and sits alone with the curtains drawn in his apartment. He thinks of contacting his family as it's been 9 years since he left home, but he can't as he's so terribly afraid. It's only after a huge outburst that he realises it's a do or die situation , and in order to survive, he must leave London and begin a new journey to find true happiness again. Not ready to draw his 'Final Curtain ' in yet he climbs aboard his horse drawn after packing some belongings and, in the middle of the night, disappears, and that's where part 1 ends.


1. The Journey Begins/ Overture
2. The Illusionist
3. Something Missing
4. Fortune And Glory
5. 3:16
6. Black Magic
7. Opening Night
8. Broken Dreams
9. The Final Curtain?

Performing on the album are:

Richard Airey, Voices, Rhythm, Lead, Acoustic and Bass Guitars, keyboards

Lee Chitticks, Drums
Tom Smith, Lead Guitar

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