Track By Tracks: Vicious Rain - There Is Beauty In Letting Go (2024)

1. Dead End:

The reference to the "golden child without its home" is a reflection of the loss of innocence, where you no longer feel the same as you once did.

Dead End reflects deep emotional struggles, touching on themes of self-repair, internal conflict, and the search for inner peace. There is also a strong metaphorical sense of rebuilding throughout the song, This suggests that despite the hardships and inner turmoil, there is a desire for healing and rebuilding a sense of hope and stability, though the process is slow and painful.

2. Blackout:

Blackout channels the raw frustration of witnessing someone you love remain stagnant, unable to change for the better. It‘s a poignant reflection on the hurtful reality of holding onto memories of how things used to be, while recognizing that toxic patterns can poison their own mind. This song is an emotional outcry, urging listeners to find the strength to let go and prioritize their own well-being.

3. Hysteria:

We're beyond excited to have Chris from Half Me feature on this track. His vocals bring a raw honesty and depth that align perfectly with the song's theme. 'Hysteria' is about those moments when emotions spiral out of control and you feel trapped within yourself. It captures the intensity of that inner turmoil and the struggle to find peace. From the moment we started writing this song, we knew Chris was the perfect fit to bring that raw emotion to life.

4. Play Pretend:

This Song has had a lot of prior Versions before it became what it is. and I think it resonates with anyone who has ever felt the pressure to conform in order to fit in. It's about the moments when we feel compelled to be someone we're not, just to belong. But in doing so, we risk losing sight of our true selves and the unique qualities that make us who we are. We all have had moments where we feel like we need to put on a mask to belong.

5. Crown Of Thorns:

Sometimes we realize that we're the problem and not the other way around. Crown of Thorns is a reminder that running away from one‘s problems can haunt us, making things worse. It‘s a reflection on the challenge of holding onto memories of better times while recognizing that toxic patterns can affect one‘s own mental well-being. However, the song also inspires the realization that it‘s time to confront the unknown and begin the journey toward healing and self-discovery.

6. Nothing Left:

Don't let anything stop you from being who you are. This song is really about resilience and refusing to give in, even when life feels heavy and society pressures you to fit into a mold. There’s this sense of constantly feeling the weight of time ticking and expectations building up, but still holding onto dreams. The imagery of carving and painting in the song represents the idea of sculpting your own path, even though fear and doubt try to stand in the way. It’s about taking a leap of faith, reclaiming your heart and mind.

7. Like A Nightmare:

I think this song captures our heavy side in a very good way.
It's all about the messy side of love. It‘s like being drawn to something you know will hurt you, but you can‘t help yourself. The song captures that feeling of being stuck in a cycle of desire and pain, leaving you feeling hopeless and trapped.

8. Shadow Dancer:

In ‚Shadow Dancer,‘ we wanted to explore the theme of love that transcends circumstances. It‘s about two people who part ways not because they lack love, but because they respect and support each other enough to understand that they are not the right person for each other or the timing isn‘t right. The song is a celebration of that kind of mature, selfless love.

9. The Devil & Lovers:

The Devil & Lovers is a special song for us because it was the first one we wrote together. We immediately found a natural rhythm and flow, and the writing process came easily to us. Our producer Manuel was indispensable. He helped us refine the song and take it to the next level. Mirko Witzki's stunning visuals emphasize the message and emotions of the song. Overall, the creation of this song was an amazing journey. It’s an example of unfulfilled desires and the challenges we face in the pursuit of our heart's deepest wishes.

10. There Is Beauty In Letting Go:

It's about understanding that while loss is painful, it can also lead to growth and new opportunities. We wanted to convey the message that there can be something beautiful waiting on the other side of letting go. It's a journey that many of us face, and we hope this song resonates with those who are navigating their own paths of letting go and finding new beginnings.

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