Behind The Artworks: Guiltless - Teeth To Sky (2025)

The band icon started around the topic of nuclear semiotics, where scientists are trying to establish a method of communication to future civilizations without the use of any shared language, (akin to modern civilization not being able to read ancient hieroglyphs). In this case, the message they are trying to convey is that a particular piece of land is still contaminated with radioactive materials. Ideas for this communication include large swaths of land that are covered in massive concrete spikes, or other foreboding architecture. They hope these physical messages will convince people to stay away. The Teeth to Sky cover exists in a timeless/varied version of this concept, where our icon has self-manifested, destroying and blocking the only path out of this barren landscape. This particular cover was also inspired by Croatian / Serbian spomeniks, where the icon can be seen as a monument, a totem, a warning, and an aberration.

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