Band Biographies: Linistit

The band Linistit was born in 2012 from an idea of Claudio Pluchino (Angelus - rhythm guitar) and Maria Spada (Triria - voice).

The two together compose the first four tracks based on black and death metal. This is for them the first experience of extreme music composition, made with commitment but without expectations.

Between 2013 and 2014, Angelus and Triria decided to search for the remaining members to try to form a band. The rehearsals begin with some musicians, but you can not find a proper musical and compositional harmony. The Linistit project has been shelved for a while.

In 2016 it resumed with the entry of guitarist Vincenzo Abbate (Katros - solo guitar), with which a strong unity of group spirit is born. In 2017 the three complete the line-up with the addition of Michele Barrano (Black Beast - drums ex Throne Of Molok) and Paolo Baglieri (Damevil - bass). In May 2022 the bassist leaves the band for personal reasons, and the new bassist Claudio D'angelo (Valak) takes his place.

The full training begins a serious work on the project, maintaining a good rhythm of rehearsals and musical composition. The work of the five members gives rise to six songs plus an intro.

In 2018, Linistit released their first music video for the song Linistit.

Meanwhile, the six tracks and the intro for their first album, 'Evil Arises' are completed. In February 2021 comes another music video, "Anneliese". These two songs are part of the album Evil Arises that will be released on March 5, 2021, for Volcano Records. In August 2022, the band started to produce new tracks, for a particular track, "Rose Of Eden Garden", a music video has been produced.

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