Behind The Artworks: Omega Purge - The Last Monarch's Fall (2025)

I had this image in my mind for years, inspired by a scene from Marvel's universe. There is a place called Knowhere, which depicts the head of an ancient, massively powerful emperor and ruler of the universe. People live within this colossal setting, harvesting materials from the remnants of his head. I was fascinated by the story of these people rising to rule over what was left of a tyrant.

About two years ago, I came across the "Law of Suspects", a decree issued during the final stages of the French Revolution. It marked the height of tyranny and paranoia, as the ruling authorities sought to eliminate all those they saw as threats. Over time, these two themes began to intertwine in my mind, shaping the concept behind the artwork and the album’s themes of power, downfall, and rebirth.

For the visual realization, I once again teamed up with Gustavo Sazes, whom I had previously worked in my former band, Dying Humanity. We have always gotten along really well, both personally and professionally, and we’ve been consistently impressed with the results. Gustavo has a way of capturing the exact mood and vision we aim for, and this time was no different—the artwork perfectly represents the dark, epic, and historical themes of The Last Monarch’s Fall.

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